FCDTFactory Class Reference

[INTERNAL] A factory for COLLADA transforms. More...

#include <FCDTransform.h>

List of all members.

Static Public Member Functions

static FCDTransformCreateTransform (FCDocument *document, FCDSceneNode *parent, FCDTransform::Type type)
 Creates a new COLLADA transform, given a transform type.
static FCDTransformCreateTransform (FCDocument *document, FCDSceneNode *parent, xmlNode *node)
 [INTERNAL] Imports a COLLADA transform, given an XML tree node.

Detailed Description

[INTERNAL] A factory for COLLADA transforms.

Creates the correct transform object for a given transform type/XML tree node. To create new transforms, use the FCDSceneNode::AddTransform function.

Member Function Documentation

static FCDTransform* FCDTFactory::CreateTransform FCDocument document,
FCDSceneNode parent,
xmlNode *  node

[INTERNAL] Imports a COLLADA transform, given an XML tree node.

document The COLLADA document that will own the new transform.
parent The visual scene node that will contain the transform.
node The XML tree node.
The imported COLLADA transform. This pointer will be NULL if the XML tree node does not describe a COLLADA transform.

static FCDTransform* FCDTFactory::CreateTransform FCDocument document,
FCDSceneNode parent,
FCDTransform::Type  type

Creates a new COLLADA transform, given a transform type.

document The COLLADA document that will own the new transform.
parent The visual scene node that will contain the transform.
type The type of transform object to create.
The new COLLADA transform. This pointer will be NULL if the given type is invalid.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:
Generated on Fri May 12 16:44:44 2006 for FCollada by  doxygen 1.4.6-NO