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Ogre::AutoParamDataSource Class Reference

This utility class is used to hold the information used to generate the matrices and other information required to automatically populate GpuProgramParameters. More...

#include <OgreAutoParamDataSource.h>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 AutoParamDataSource ()
 ~AutoParamDataSource ()
void setCurrentRenderable (const Renderable *rend)
 Updates the current renderable.

void setCurrentCamera (const Camera *cam)
 Updates the current camera.

void setCurrentLightList (const LightList *ll)
 Sets the light list that should be used.

void setTextureProjector (const Frustum *frust)
 Sets the current texture projector.

void setCurrentRenderTarget (const RenderTarget *target)
 Sets the current render target.

void setCurrentViewport (const Viewport *viewport)
 Sets the current viewport.

void setShadowDirLightExtrusionDistance (Real dist)
 Sets the shadow extrusion distance to be used for point lights.

const Matrix4getWorldMatrix (void) const
const Matrix4getWorldMatrixArray (void) const
size_t getWorldMatrixCount (void) const
const Matrix4getViewMatrix (void) const
const Matrix4getViewProjectionMatrix (void) const
const Matrix4getProjectionMatrix (void) const
const Matrix4getWorldViewProjMatrix (void) const
const Matrix4getWorldViewMatrix (void) const
const Matrix4getInverseWorldMatrix (void) const
const Matrix4getInverseWorldViewMatrix (void) const
const Matrix4getInverseViewMatrix (void) const
const Matrix4getInverseTransposeWorldMatrix (void) const
const Matrix4getInverseTransposeWorldViewMatrix (void) const
const Vector4getCameraPosition (void) const
const Vector4getCameraPositionObjectSpace (void) const
const LightgetLight (size_t index) const
 Get the light which is 'index'th closest to the current object.

void setAmbientLightColour (const ColourValue &ambient)
const ColourValuegetAmbientLightColour (void) const
void setFog (FogMode mode, const ColourValue &colour, Real expDensity, Real linearStart, Real linearEnd)
const ColourValuegetFogColour (void) const
const Vector4getFogParams (void) const
const Matrix4getTextureViewProjMatrix (void) const
const RenderTargetgetCurrentRenderTarget (void) const
const RenderablegetCurrentRenderable (void) const
Real getShadowExtrusionDistance (void) const
Matrix4 getInverseViewProjMatrix (void) const
Matrix4 getInverseTransposeViewProjMatrix () const
Matrix4 getTransposeViewProjMatrix () const
Matrix4 getTransposeViewMatrix () const
Matrix4 getTransposeProjectionMatrix () const
Matrix4 getInverseProjectionMatrix () const
Matrix4 getInverseTransposeProjectionMatrix () const
Matrix4 getTransposeWorldViewProjMatrix () const
Matrix4 getInverseWorldViewProjMatrix () const
Matrix4 getInverseTransposeWorldViewProjMatrix () const
Matrix4 getTransposeWorldViewMatrix () const
Matrix4 getTransposeWorldMatrix () const
Real getTime (void) const
Real getTime_0_X (Real x) const
Real getCosTime_0_X (Real x) const
Real getSinTime_0_X (Real x) const
Real getTanTime_0_X (Real x) const
Vector4 getTime_0_X_packed (Real x) const
Real getTime_0_1 (Real x) const
Real getCosTime_0_1 (Real x) const
Real getSinTime_0_1 (Real x) const
Real getTanTime_0_1 (Real x) const
Vector4 getTime_0_1_packed (Real x) const
Real getTime_0_2Pi (Real x) const
Real getCosTime_0_2Pi (Real x) const
Real getSinTime_0_2Pi (Real x) const
Real getTanTime_0_2Pi (Real x) const
Vector4 getTime_0_2Pi_packed (Real x) const
Real getFrameTime (void) const
Real getFPS () const
Real getViewportWidth () const
Real getViewportHeight () const
Real getInverseViewportWidth () const
Real getInverseViewportHeight () const
Vector3 getViewDirection () const
Vector3 getViewSideVector () const
Vector3 getViewUpVector () const
Real getFOV () const
Real getNearClipDistance () const
Real getFarClipDistance () const
int getPassNumber (void) const
void setPassNumber (const int passNumber)
void incPassNumber (void)

Protected Attributes

Matrix4 mWorldMatrix [256]
size_t mWorldMatrixCount
Matrix4 mWorldViewMatrix
Matrix4 mViewProjMatrix
Matrix4 mWorldViewProjMatrix
Matrix4 mInverseWorldMatrix
Matrix4 mInverseWorldViewMatrix
Matrix4 mInverseViewMatrix
Matrix4 mInverseTransposeWorldMatrix
Matrix4 mInverseTransposeWorldViewMatrix
Vector4 mCameraPositionObjectSpace
Matrix4 mTextureViewProjMatrix
Matrix4 mViewMatrix
Matrix4 mProjectionMatrix
Real mDirLightExtrusionDistance
Vector4 mCameraPosition
bool mWorldMatrixDirty
bool mViewMatrixDirty
bool mProjMatrixDirty
bool mWorldViewMatrixDirty
bool mViewProjMatrixDirty
bool mWorldViewProjMatrixDirty
bool mInverseWorldMatrixDirty
bool mInverseWorldViewMatrixDirty
bool mInverseViewMatrixDirty
bool mInverseTransposeWorldMatrixDirty
bool mInverseTransposeWorldViewMatrixDirty
bool mCameraPositionObjectSpaceDirty
bool mCameraPositionDirty
bool mTextureViewProjMatrixDirty
ColourValue mAmbientLight
ColourValue mFogColour
Vector4 mFogParams
int mPassNumber
const RenderablemCurrentRenderable
const CameramCurrentCamera
const LightListmCurrentLightList
const FrustummCurrentTextureProjector
const RenderTargetmCurrentRenderTarget
const ViewportmCurrentViewport
Light mBlankLight

Detailed Description

This utility class is used to hold the information used to generate the matrices and other information required to automatically populate GpuProgramParameters.

This class exercises a lazy-update scheme in order to avoid having to update all the information a GpuProgramParameters class could possibly want all the time. It relies on the SceneManager to update it when the base data has changed, and will calculate concatenated matrices etc only when required, passing back precalculated matrices when they are requested more than once when the underlying information has not altered.

Definition at line 48 of file OgreAutoParamDataSource.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

Ogre::AutoParamDataSource::AutoParamDataSource  ) 

Ogre::AutoParamDataSource::~AutoParamDataSource  ) 

Member Function Documentation

const ColourValue& Ogre::AutoParamDataSource::getAmbientLightColour void   )  const

const Vector4& Ogre::AutoParamDataSource::getCameraPosition void   )  const

const Vector4& Ogre::AutoParamDataSource::getCameraPositionObjectSpace void   )  const

Real Ogre::AutoParamDataSource::getCosTime_0_1 Real  x  )  const

Real Ogre::AutoParamDataSource::getCosTime_0_2Pi Real  x  )  const

Real Ogre::AutoParamDataSource::getCosTime_0_X Real  x  )  const

const Renderable* Ogre::AutoParamDataSource::getCurrentRenderable void   )  const

const RenderTarget* Ogre::AutoParamDataSource::getCurrentRenderTarget void   )  const

Real Ogre::AutoParamDataSource::getFarClipDistance  )  const

const ColourValue& Ogre::AutoParamDataSource::getFogColour void   )  const

const Vector4& Ogre::AutoParamDataSource::getFogParams void   )  const

Real Ogre::AutoParamDataSource::getFOV  )  const

Real Ogre::AutoParamDataSource::getFPS  )  const

Real Ogre::AutoParamDataSource::getFrameTime void   )  const

Matrix4 Ogre::AutoParamDataSource::getInverseProjectionMatrix  )  const

Matrix4 Ogre::AutoParamDataSource::getInverseTransposeProjectionMatrix  )  const

Matrix4 Ogre::AutoParamDataSource::getInverseTransposeViewProjMatrix  )  const

const Matrix4& Ogre::AutoParamDataSource::getInverseTransposeWorldMatrix void   )  const

const Matrix4& Ogre::AutoParamDataSource::getInverseTransposeWorldViewMatrix void   )  const

Matrix4 Ogre::AutoParamDataSource::getInverseTransposeWorldViewProjMatrix  )  const

const Matrix4& Ogre::AutoParamDataSource::getInverseViewMatrix void   )  const

Real Ogre::AutoParamDataSource::getInverseViewportHeight  )  const

Real Ogre::AutoParamDataSource::getInverseViewportWidth  )  const

Matrix4 Ogre::AutoParamDataSource::getInverseViewProjMatrix void   )  const

const Matrix4& Ogre::AutoParamDataSource::getInverseWorldMatrix void   )  const

const Matrix4& Ogre::AutoParamDataSource::getInverseWorldViewMatrix void   )  const

Matrix4 Ogre::AutoParamDataSource::getInverseWorldViewProjMatrix  )  const

const Light& Ogre::AutoParamDataSource::getLight size_t  index  )  const

Get the light which is 'index'th closest to the current object.

Real Ogre::AutoParamDataSource::getNearClipDistance  )  const

int Ogre::AutoParamDataSource::getPassNumber void   )  const

const Matrix4& Ogre::AutoParamDataSource::getProjectionMatrix void   )  const

Real Ogre::AutoParamDataSource::getShadowExtrusionDistance void   )  const

Real Ogre::AutoParamDataSource::getSinTime_0_1 Real  x  )  const

Real Ogre::AutoParamDataSource::getSinTime_0_2Pi Real  x  )  const

Real Ogre::AutoParamDataSource::getSinTime_0_X Real  x  )  const

Real Ogre::AutoParamDataSource::getTanTime_0_1 Real  x  )  const

Real Ogre::AutoParamDataSource::getTanTime_0_2Pi Real  x  )  const

Real Ogre::AutoParamDataSource::getTanTime_0_X Real  x  )  const

const Matrix4& Ogre::AutoParamDataSource::getTextureViewProjMatrix void   )  const

Real Ogre::AutoParamDataSource::getTime void   )  const

Real Ogre::AutoParamDataSource::getTime_0_1 Real  x  )  const

Vector4 Ogre::AutoParamDataSource::getTime_0_1_packed Real  x  )  const

Real Ogre::AutoParamDataSource::getTime_0_2Pi Real  x  )  const

Vector4 Ogre::AutoParamDataSource::getTime_0_2Pi_packed Real  x  )  const

Real Ogre::AutoParamDataSource::getTime_0_X Real  x  )  const

Vector4 Ogre::AutoParamDataSource::getTime_0_X_packed Real  x  )  const

Matrix4 Ogre::AutoParamDataSource::getTransposeProjectionMatrix  )  const

Matrix4 Ogre::AutoParamDataSource::getTransposeViewMatrix  )  const

Matrix4 Ogre::AutoParamDataSource::getTransposeViewProjMatrix  )  const

Matrix4 Ogre::AutoParamDataSource::getTransposeWorldMatrix  )  const

Matrix4 Ogre::AutoParamDataSource::getTransposeWorldViewMatrix  )  const

Matrix4 Ogre::AutoParamDataSource::getTransposeWorldViewProjMatrix  )  const

Vector3 Ogre::AutoParamDataSource::getViewDirection  )  const

const Matrix4& Ogre::AutoParamDataSource::getViewMatrix void   )  const

Real Ogre::AutoParamDataSource::getViewportHeight  )  const

Real Ogre::AutoParamDataSource::getViewportWidth  )  const

const Matrix4& Ogre::AutoParamDataSource::getViewProjectionMatrix void   )  const

Vector3 Ogre::AutoParamDataSource::getViewSideVector  )  const

Vector3 Ogre::AutoParamDataSource::getViewUpVector  )  const

const Matrix4& Ogre::AutoParamDataSource::getWorldMatrix void   )  const

const Matrix4* Ogre::AutoParamDataSource::getWorldMatrixArray void   )  const

size_t Ogre::AutoParamDataSource::getWorldMatrixCount void   )  const

const Matrix4& Ogre::AutoParamDataSource::getWorldViewMatrix void   )  const

const Matrix4& Ogre::AutoParamDataSource::getWorldViewProjMatrix void   )  const

void Ogre::AutoParamDataSource::incPassNumber void   ) 

void Ogre::AutoParamDataSource::setAmbientLightColour const ColourValue ambient  ) 

void Ogre::AutoParamDataSource::setCurrentCamera const Camera cam  ) 

Updates the current camera.

void Ogre::AutoParamDataSource::setCurrentLightList const LightList ll  ) 

Sets the light list that should be used.

void Ogre::AutoParamDataSource::setCurrentRenderable const Renderable rend  ) 

Updates the current renderable.

void Ogre::AutoParamDataSource::setCurrentRenderTarget const RenderTarget target  ) 

Sets the current render target.

void Ogre::AutoParamDataSource::setCurrentViewport const Viewport viewport  ) 

Sets the current viewport.

void Ogre::AutoParamDataSource::setFog FogMode  mode,
const ColourValue colour,
Real  expDensity,
Real  linearStart,
Real  linearEnd

void Ogre::AutoParamDataSource::setPassNumber const int  passNumber  ) 

void Ogre::AutoParamDataSource::setShadowDirLightExtrusionDistance Real  dist  ) 

Sets the shadow extrusion distance to be used for point lights.

void Ogre::AutoParamDataSource::setTextureProjector const Frustum frust  ) 

Sets the current texture projector.

Member Data Documentation

ColourValue Ogre::AutoParamDataSource::mAmbientLight [mutable, protected]

Definition at line 82 of file OgreAutoParamDataSource.h.

Light Ogre::AutoParamDataSource::mBlankLight [protected]

Definition at line 94 of file OgreAutoParamDataSource.h.

Vector4 Ogre::AutoParamDataSource::mCameraPosition [mutable, protected]

Definition at line 66 of file OgreAutoParamDataSource.h.

bool Ogre::AutoParamDataSource::mCameraPositionDirty [mutable, protected]

Definition at line 80 of file OgreAutoParamDataSource.h.

Vector4 Ogre::AutoParamDataSource::mCameraPositionObjectSpace [mutable, protected]

Definition at line 61 of file OgreAutoParamDataSource.h.

bool Ogre::AutoParamDataSource::mCameraPositionObjectSpaceDirty [mutable, protected]

Definition at line 79 of file OgreAutoParamDataSource.h.

const Camera* Ogre::AutoParamDataSource::mCurrentCamera [protected]

Definition at line 88 of file OgreAutoParamDataSource.h.

const LightList* Ogre::AutoParamDataSource::mCurrentLightList [protected]

Definition at line 89 of file OgreAutoParamDataSource.h.

const Renderable* Ogre::AutoParamDataSource::mCurrentRenderable [protected]

Definition at line 87 of file OgreAutoParamDataSource.h.

const RenderTarget* Ogre::AutoParamDataSource::mCurrentRenderTarget [protected]

Definition at line 91 of file OgreAutoParamDataSource.h.

const Frustum* Ogre::AutoParamDataSource::mCurrentTextureProjector [protected]

Definition at line 90 of file OgreAutoParamDataSource.h.

const Viewport* Ogre::AutoParamDataSource::mCurrentViewport [protected]

Definition at line 92 of file OgreAutoParamDataSource.h.

Real Ogre::AutoParamDataSource::mDirLightExtrusionDistance [mutable, protected]

Definition at line 65 of file OgreAutoParamDataSource.h.

ColourValue Ogre::AutoParamDataSource::mFogColour [mutable, protected]

Definition at line 83 of file OgreAutoParamDataSource.h.

Vector4 Ogre::AutoParamDataSource::mFogParams [mutable, protected]

Definition at line 84 of file OgreAutoParamDataSource.h.

Matrix4 Ogre::AutoParamDataSource::mInverseTransposeWorldMatrix [mutable, protected]

Definition at line 59 of file OgreAutoParamDataSource.h.

bool Ogre::AutoParamDataSource::mInverseTransposeWorldMatrixDirty [mutable, protected]

Definition at line 77 of file OgreAutoParamDataSource.h.

Matrix4 Ogre::AutoParamDataSource::mInverseTransposeWorldViewMatrix [mutable, protected]

Definition at line 60 of file OgreAutoParamDataSource.h.

bool Ogre::AutoParamDataSource::mInverseTransposeWorldViewMatrixDirty [mutable, protected]

Definition at line 78 of file OgreAutoParamDataSource.h.

Matrix4 Ogre::AutoParamDataSource::mInverseViewMatrix [mutable, protected]

Definition at line 58 of file OgreAutoParamDataSource.h.

bool Ogre::AutoParamDataSource::mInverseViewMatrixDirty [mutable, protected]

Definition at line 76 of file OgreAutoParamDataSource.h.

Matrix4 Ogre::AutoParamDataSource::mInverseWorldMatrix [mutable, protected]

Definition at line 56 of file OgreAutoParamDataSource.h.

bool Ogre::AutoParamDataSource::mInverseWorldMatrixDirty [mutable, protected]

Definition at line 74 of file OgreAutoParamDataSource.h.

Matrix4 Ogre::AutoParamDataSource::mInverseWorldViewMatrix [mutable, protected]

Definition at line 57 of file OgreAutoParamDataSource.h.

bool Ogre::AutoParamDataSource::mInverseWorldViewMatrixDirty [mutable, protected]

Definition at line 75 of file OgreAutoParamDataSource.h.

int Ogre::AutoParamDataSource::mPassNumber [mutable, protected]

Definition at line 85 of file OgreAutoParamDataSource.h.

Matrix4 Ogre::AutoParamDataSource::mProjectionMatrix [mutable, protected]

Definition at line 64 of file OgreAutoParamDataSource.h.

bool Ogre::AutoParamDataSource::mProjMatrixDirty [mutable, protected]

Definition at line 70 of file OgreAutoParamDataSource.h.

Matrix4 Ogre::AutoParamDataSource::mTextureViewProjMatrix [mutable, protected]

Definition at line 62 of file OgreAutoParamDataSource.h.

bool Ogre::AutoParamDataSource::mTextureViewProjMatrixDirty [mutable, protected]

Definition at line 81 of file OgreAutoParamDataSource.h.

Matrix4 Ogre::AutoParamDataSource::mViewMatrix [mutable, protected]

Definition at line 63 of file OgreAutoParamDataSource.h.

bool Ogre::AutoParamDataSource::mViewMatrixDirty [mutable, protected]

Definition at line 69 of file OgreAutoParamDataSource.h.

Matrix4 Ogre::AutoParamDataSource::mViewProjMatrix [mutable, protected]

Definition at line 54 of file OgreAutoParamDataSource.h.

bool Ogre::AutoParamDataSource::mViewProjMatrixDirty [mutable, protected]

Definition at line 72 of file OgreAutoParamDataSource.h.

Matrix4 Ogre::AutoParamDataSource::mWorldMatrix[256] [mutable, protected]

Definition at line 51 of file OgreAutoParamDataSource.h.

size_t Ogre::AutoParamDataSource::mWorldMatrixCount [mutable, protected]

Definition at line 52 of file OgreAutoParamDataSource.h.

bool Ogre::AutoParamDataSource::mWorldMatrixDirty [mutable, protected]

Definition at line 68 of file OgreAutoParamDataSource.h.

Matrix4 Ogre::AutoParamDataSource::mWorldViewMatrix [mutable, protected]

Definition at line 53 of file OgreAutoParamDataSource.h.

bool Ogre::AutoParamDataSource::mWorldViewMatrixDirty [mutable, protected]

Definition at line 71 of file OgreAutoParamDataSource.h.

Matrix4 Ogre::AutoParamDataSource::mWorldViewProjMatrix [mutable, protected]

Definition at line 55 of file OgreAutoParamDataSource.h.

bool Ogre::AutoParamDataSource::mWorldViewProjMatrixDirty [mutable, protected]

Definition at line 73 of file OgreAutoParamDataSource.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:

Copyright © 2000-2005 by The OGRE Team
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.5 License.
Last modified Sun Mar 12 14:38:07 2006