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Ogre::Camera Class Reference

A viewpoint from which the scene will be rendered. More...

#include <OgreCamera.h>

Inheritance diagram for Ogre::Camera:

Ogre::Frustum Ogre::MovableObject Ogre::Renderable Ogre::ShadowCaster Ogre::AnimableObject Ogre::OctreeCamera List of all members.

Public Types

typedef std::vector< ShadowRenderable * > ShadowRenderableList
typedef VectorIterator< ShadowRenderableListShadowRenderableListIterator

Public Member Functions

 Camera (const String &name, SceneManager *sm)
 Standard constructor.

virtual ~Camera ()
 Standard destructor.

SceneManagergetSceneManager (void) const
 Returns a pointer to the SceneManager this camera is rendering through.

virtual const StringgetName (void) const
 Gets the camera's name.

void setPolygonMode (PolygonMode sd)
 Sets the level of rendering detail required from this camera.

PolygonMode getPolygonMode (void) const
 Retrieves the level of detail that the camera will render.

void setPosition (Real x, Real y, Real z)
 Sets the camera's position.

void setPosition (const Vector3 &vec)
 Sets the camera's position.

const Vector3getPosition (void) const
 Retrieves the camera's position.

void move (const Vector3 &vec)
 Moves the camera's position by the vector offset provided along world axes.

void moveRelative (const Vector3 &vec)
 Moves the camera's position by the vector offset provided along it's own axes (relative to orientation).

void setDirection (Real x, Real y, Real z)
 Sets the camera's direction vector.

void setDirection (const Vector3 &vec)
 Sets the camera's direction vector.

Vector3 getDirection (void) const
Vector3 getUp (void) const
 Gets the camera's up vector.

Vector3 getRight (void) const
 Gets the camera's right vector.

void lookAt (const Vector3 &targetPoint)
 Points the camera at a location in worldspace.

void lookAt (Real x, Real y, Real z)
 Points the camera at a location in worldspace.

void roll (const Radian &angle)
 Rolls the camera anticlockwise, around its local z axis.

void yaw (const Radian &angle)
 Rotates the camera anticlockwise around it's local y axis.

void pitch (const Radian &angle)
 Pitches the camera up/down anticlockwise around it's local z axis.

void rotate (const Vector3 &axis, const Radian &angle)
 Rotate the camera around an arbitrary axis.

void rotate (const Quaternion &q)
 Rotate the camera around an aritrary axis using a Quarternion.

void setFixedYawAxis (bool useFixed, const Vector3 &fixedAxis=Vector3::UNIT_Y)
 Tells the camera whether to yaw around it's own local Y axis or a fixed axis of choice.

const QuaterniongetOrientation (void) const
 Returns the camera's current orientation.

void setOrientation (const Quaternion &q)
 Sets the camera's orientation.

void _renderScene (Viewport *vp, bool includeOverlays)
 Tells the Camera to contact the SceneManager to render from it's viewpoint.

void _notifyRenderedFaces (unsigned int numfaces)
 Internal method to notify camera of the visible faces in the last render.

unsigned int _getNumRenderedFaces (void) const
 Internal method to retrieve the number of visible faces in the last render.

const QuaterniongetDerivedOrientation (void) const
 Gets the derived orientation of the camera, including any rotation inherited from a node attachment and reflection matrix.

const Vector3getDerivedPosition (void) const
 Gets the derived position of the camera, including any translation inherited from a node attachment and reflection matrix.

Vector3 getDerivedDirection (void) const
 Gets the derived direction vector of the camera, including any rotation inherited from a node attachment and reflection matrix.

Vector3 getDerivedUp (void) const
 Gets the derived up vector of the camera, including any rotation inherited from a node attachment and reflection matrix.

Vector3 getDerivedRight (void) const
 Gets the derived right vector of the camera, including any rotation inherited from a node attachment and reflection matrix.

const QuaterniongetRealOrientation (void) const
 Gets the real world orientation of the camera, including any rotation inherited from a node attachment.

const Vector3getRealPosition (void) const
 Gets the real world position of the camera, including any translation inherited from a node attachment.

Vector3 getRealDirection (void) const
 Gets the real world direction vector of the camera, including any rotation inherited from a node attachment.

Vector3 getRealUp (void) const
 Gets the real world up vector of the camera, including any rotation inherited from a node attachment.

Vector3 getRealRight (void) const
 Gets the real world right vector of the camera, including any rotation inherited from a node attachment.

const StringgetMovableType (void) const
 Overridden from MovableObject.

void setAutoTracking (bool enabled, SceneNode *target=0, const Vector3 &offset=Vector3::ZERO)
 Enables / disables automatic tracking of a SceneNode.

void setLodBias (Real factor=1.0)
 Sets the level-of-detail factor for this Camera.

Real getLodBias (void) const
 Returns the level-of-detail bias factor currently applied to this camera.

Ray getCameraToViewportRay (Real screenx, Real screeny) const
 Gets a world space ray as cast from the camera through a viewport position.

Real _getLodBiasInverse (void) const
 Internal method for OGRE to use for LOD calculations.

void _autoTrack (void)
 Internal method used by OGRE to update auto-tracking cameras.

virtual void setWindow (Real Left, Real Top, Real Right, Real Bottom)
 Sets the viewing window inside of viewport.

virtual void resetWindow (void)
 Cancel view window.

virtual bool isWindowSet (void) const
 Returns if a viewport window is being used.

const std::vector< Plane > & getWindowPlanes (void) const
 Gets the window clip planes, only applicable if isWindowSet == true.

Real getBoundingRadius (void) const
 Overridden from MovableObject.

SceneNodegetAutoTrackTarget (void) const
 Get the auto tracking target for this camera, if any.

const Vector3getAutoTrackOffset (void) const
 Get the auto tracking offset for this camera, if it is auto tracking.

ViewportgetViewport (void) const
 Get the last viewport which was attached to this camera.

void _notifyViewport (Viewport *viewport)
 Notifies this camera that a viewport is using it.

void setAutoAspectRatio (bool autoratio)
 If set to true a vieport that owns this frustum will be able to recalculate the aspect ratio whenever the frustum is resized.

bool getAutoAspectRatio (void) const
 Retreives if AutoAspectRatio is currently set or not.

void setCullingFrustum (Frustum *frustum)
 Tells the camera to use a separate Frustum instance to perform culling.

FrustumgetCullingFrustum (void)
 Returns the custom culling frustum in use.

bool isVisible (const AxisAlignedBox &bound, FrustumPlane *culledBy=0) const
bound Bounding box to be checked
culledBy Optional pointer to an int which will be filled by the plane number which culled the box if the result was false;
If the box was visible, true is returned.
Otherwise, false is returned.

bool isVisible (const Sphere &bound, FrustumPlane *culledBy=0) const
bound Bounding box to be checked
culledBy Optional pointer to an int which will be filled by the plane number which culled the box if the result was false;
If the box was visible, true is returned.
Otherwise, false is returned.

bool isVisible (const Vector3 &vert, FrustumPlane *culledBy=0) const
bound Bounding box to be checked
culledBy Optional pointer to an int which will be filled by the plane number which culled the box if the result was false;
If the box was visible, true is returned.
Otherwise, false is returned.

const Vector3getWorldSpaceCorners (void) const
The corners are ordered as follows: top-right near, top-left near, bottom-left near, bottom-right near, top-right far, top-left far, bottom-left far, bottom-right far.

const PlanegetFrustumPlane (unsigned short plane) const
Gets a reference to one of the planes which make up the frustum frustum, e.g. for clipping purposes.

bool projectSphere (const Sphere &sphere, Real *left, Real *top, Real *right, Real *bottom) const
sphere The world-space sphere to project
radius Radius of the sphere
left,top,right,bottom Pointers to destination values, these will be completed with the normalised device coordinates (in the range {-1,1})
true if the sphere was projected to a subset of the near plane, false if the entire near plane was contained

Real getNearClipDistance (void) const

Real getFarClipDistance (void) const

const Matrix4getViewMatrix (void) const
 Mainly for use by OGRE internally.

const Matrix4getViewMatrix (bool ownFrustumOnly) const
 Specialised version of getViewMatrix allowing caller to differentiate whether the custom culling frustum should be allowed or not.

virtual void setUseRenderingDistance (bool use)
 Set whether this camera should use the 'rendering distance' on objects to exclude distant objects from the final image.

virtual bool getUseRenderingDistance (void) const
 Get whether this camera should use the 'rendering distance' on objects to exclude distant objects from the final image.

virtual void setFOVy (const Radian &fovy)
 Sets the Y-dimension Field Of View (FOV) of the frustum.

virtual const RadiangetFOVy (void) const
 Retrieves the frustums Y-dimension Field Of View (FOV).

virtual void setNearClipDistance (Real nearDist)
 Sets the position of the near clipping plane.

virtual void setFarClipDistance (Real farDist)
 Sets the distance to the far clipping plane.

virtual void setAspectRatio (Real ratio)
 Sets the aspect ratio for the frustum viewport.

virtual Real getAspectRatio (void) const
 Retreives the current aspect ratio.

virtual void setFrustumOffset (const Vector2 &offset)
 Sets frustum offsets, used in stereo rendering.

virtual void setFrustumOffset (Real horizontal=0.0, Real vertical=0.0)
 Sets frustum offsets, used in stereo rendering.

virtual const Vector2getFrustumOffset () const
 Retreives the frustum offsets.

virtual void setFocalLength (Real focalLength=1.0)
 Sets frustum focal length (used in stereo rendering).

virtual Real getFocalLength () const
 Returns focal length of frustum.

virtual const Matrix4getProjectionMatrixRS (void) const
 Gets the projection matrix for this frustum adjusted for the current rendersystem specifics (may be right or left-handed, depth range may vary).

virtual const Matrix4getProjectionMatrixWithRSDepth (void) const
 Gets the depth-adjusted projection matrix for the current rendersystem, but one which still conforms to right-hand rules.

virtual const Matrix4getProjectionMatrix (void) const
 Gets the normal projection matrix for this frustum, ie the projection matrix which conforms to standard right-handed rules and uses depth range [-1,+1].

virtual void setCustomViewMatrix (bool enable, const Matrix4 &viewMatrix=Matrix4::IDENTITY)
 Set whether to use a custom view matrix on this frustum.

virtual bool isCustomViewMatrixEnabled (void) const
 Returns whether a custom view matrix is in use.

virtual void setCustomProjectionMatrix (bool enable, const Matrix4 &projectionMatrix=Matrix4::IDENTITY)
 Set whether to use a custom projection matrix on this frustum.

virtual bool isCustomProjectionMatrixEnabled (void) const
 Returns whether a custom projection matrix is in use.

virtual const PlanegetFrustumPlanes (void) const
 Retrieves the clipping planes of the frustum.

virtual bool isVisible (void) const
 Returns whether or not this object is supposed to be visible or not.

const AxisAlignedBoxgetBoundingBox (void) const
 Overridden from MovableObject.

void _updateRenderQueue (RenderQueue *queue)
 Overridden from MovableObject.

void _notifyCurrentCamera (Camera *cam)
 Overridden from MovableObject.

const MaterialPtrgetMaterial (void) const
 Overridden from Renderable.

void getRenderOperation (RenderOperation &op)
 Overridden from Renderable.

void getWorldTransforms (Matrix4 *xform) const
 Overridden from Renderable.

const QuaterniongetWorldOrientation (void) const
 Overridden from Renderable.

const Vector3getWorldPosition (void) const
 Overridden from Renderable.

Real getSquaredViewDepth (const Camera *cam) const
 Overridden from Renderable.

const LightListgetLights (void) const
 Overridden from Renderable.

virtual void setProjectionType (ProjectionType pt)
 Sets the type of projection to use (orthographic or perspective).

virtual ProjectionType getProjectionType (void) const
 Retrieves info on the type of projection used (orthographic or perspective).

virtual void enableReflection (const Plane &p)
 Modifies this frustum so it always renders from the reflection of itself through the plane specified.

virtual void enableReflection (const MovablePlane *p)
 Modifies this frustum so it always renders from the reflection of itself through the plane specified.

virtual void disableReflection (void)
 Disables reflection modification previously turned on with enableReflection.

virtual bool isReflected (void) const
 Returns whether this frustum is being reflected.

virtual const Matrix4getReflectionMatrix (void) const
 Returns the reflection matrix of the frustum if appropriate.

virtual const PlanegetReflectionPlane (void) const
 Returns the reflection plane of the frustum if appropriate.

virtual void enableCustomNearClipPlane (const MovablePlane *plane)
 Links the frustum to a custom near clip plane, which can be used to clip geometry in a custom manner without using user clip planes.

virtual void enableCustomNearClipPlane (const Plane &plane)
 Links the frustum to a custom near clip plane, which can be used to clip geometry in a custom manner without using user clip planes.

virtual void disableCustomNearClipPlane (void)
 Disables any custom near clip plane.

virtual bool isCustomNearClipPlaneEnabled (void) const
 Is a custom near clip plane in use?

virtual void _notifyCreator (MovableObjectFactory *fact)
 Notify the object of it's creator (internal use only).

virtual void _notifyManager (SceneManager *man)
 Notify the object of it's manager (internal use only).

virtual SceneManager_getManager (void) const
 Get the manager of this object, if any (internal use only).

virtual NodegetParentNode (void) const
 Returns the node to which this object is attached.

virtual SceneNodegetParentSceneNode (void) const
 Returns the scene node to which this object is attached.

virtual void _notifyAttached (Node *parent, bool isTagPoint=false)
 Internal method called to notify the object that it has been attached to a node.

virtual bool isAttached (void) const
 Returns true if this object is attached to a SceneNode or TagPoint.

virtual bool isInScene (void) const
 Returns true if this object is attached to a SceneNode or TagPoint, and this SceneNode / TagPoint is currently in an active part of the scene graph.

virtual const AxisAlignedBoxgetWorldBoundingBox (bool derive=false) const
 Retrieves the axis-aligned bounding box for this object in world coordinates.

virtual const SpheregetWorldBoundingSphere (bool derive=false) const
 Retrieves the worldspace bounding sphere for this object.

virtual void setVisible (bool visible)
 Tells this object whether to be visible or not, if it has a renderable component.

virtual void setRenderingDistance (Real dist)
 Sets the distance at which the object is no longer rendered.

virtual Real getRenderingDistance (void) const
 Gets the distance at which batches are no longer rendered.

virtual void setUserObject (UserDefinedObject *obj)
 Call this to associate your own custom user object instance with this MovableObject.

virtual UserDefinedObjectgetUserObject (void)
 Retrieves a pointer to a custom application object associated with this movable by an earlier call to setUserObject.

virtual void setUserAny (const Any &anything)
 Sets any kind of user value on this object.

virtual const AnygetUserAny (void) const
 Retrieves the custom user value associated with this object.

virtual void setRenderQueueGroup (uint8 queueID)
 Sets the render queue group this entity will be rendered through.

virtual uint8 getRenderQueueGroup (void) const
 Gets the queue group for this entity, see setRenderQueueGroup for full details.

virtual Matrix4 _getParentNodeFullTransform (void) const
 return the full transformation of the parent sceneNode or the attachingPoint node

virtual void setQueryFlags (uint32 flags)
 Sets the query flags for this object.

virtual void addQueryFlags (uint32 flags)
 As setQueryFlags, except the flags passed as parameters are appended to the existing flags on this object.

virtual void removeQueryFlags (unsigned long flags)
 As setQueryFlags, except the flags passed as parameters are removed from the existing flags on this object.

virtual uint32 getQueryFlags (void) const
 Returns the query flags relevant for this object.

virtual void setVisibilityFlags (uint32 flags)
 Sets the visiblity flags for this object.

virtual void addVisibilityFlags (uint32 flags)
 As setVisibilityFlags, except the flags passed as parameters are appended to the existing flags on this object.

virtual void removeVisibilityFlags (uint32 flags)
 As setVisibilityFlags, except the flags passed as parameters are removed from the existing flags on this object.

virtual uint32 getVisibilityFlags (void) const
 Returns the visibility flags relevant for this object.

EdgeDatagetEdgeList (void)
 Define a default implementation of method from ShadowCaster which implements no shadows.

ShadowRenderableListIterator getShadowVolumeRenderableIterator (ShadowTechnique shadowTechnique, const Light *light, HardwareIndexBufferSharedPtr *indexBuffer, bool extrudeVertices, Real extrusionDist, unsigned long flags=0)
 Define a default implementation of method from ShadowCaster which implements no shadows.

const AxisAlignedBoxgetLightCapBounds (void) const
 Overridden member from ShadowCaster.

const AxisAlignedBoxgetDarkCapBounds (const Light &light, Real dirLightExtrusionDist) const
 Overridden member from ShadowCaster.

void setCastShadows (bool enabled)
 Sets whether or not this object will cast shadows.

bool getCastShadows (void) const
 Returns whether shadow casting is enabled for this object.

Real getPointExtrusionDistance (const Light *l) const
 Get the distance to extrude for a point/spot light.

virtual uint32 getTypeFlags (void) const
 Get the 'type flags' for this MovableObject.

const StringVectorgetAnimableValueNames (void) const
 Gets a list of animable value names for this object.

virtual AnimableValuePtr createAnimableValue (const String &valueName)
 Create a reference-counted AnimableValuePtr for the named value.

virtual TechniquegetTechnique (void) const
 Retrieves a pointer to the Material Technique this renderable object uses.

virtual unsigned short getNumWorldTransforms (void) const
 Returns the number of world transform matrices this renderable requires.

virtual bool useIdentityProjection (void) const
 Returns whether or not to use an 'identity' projection.

virtual bool useIdentityView (void) const
 Returns whether or not to use an 'identity' projection.

virtual bool getNormaliseNormals (void) const
 Returns whether or not this Renderable wishes the hardware to normalise normals.

virtual const PlaneListgetClipPlanes () const
virtual bool getCastsShadows (void) const
 Method which reports whether this renderable would normally cast a shadow.

void setCustomParameter (size_t index, const Vector4 &value)
 Sets a custom parameter for this Renderable, which may be used to drive calculations for this specific Renderable, like GPU program parameters.

const Vector4getCustomParameter (size_t index) const
 Gets the custom value associated with this Renderable at the given index.

virtual void _updateCustomGpuParameter (const GpuProgramParameters::AutoConstantEntry &constantEntry, GpuProgramParameters *params) const
 Update a custom GpuProgramParameters constant which is derived from information only this Renderable knows.

virtual void setPolygonModeOverrideable (bool override)
 Sets whether this renderable's chosen detail level can be overridden (downgraded) by the camera setting.

virtual bool getPolygonModeOverrideable (void) const
 Gets whether this renderable's chosen detail level can be overridden (downgraded) by the camera setting.

Static Public Member Functions

void setDefaultQueryFlags (uint32 flags)
 Set the default query flags for all future MovableObject instances.

uint32 getDefaultQueryFlags (uint32 flags)
 Get the default query flags for all future MovableObject instances.

void setDefaultVisibilityFlags (uint32 flags)
 Set the default visibility flags for all future MovableObject instances.

uint32 getDefaultVisibilityFlags (uint32 flags)
 Get the default visibility flags for all future MovableObject instances.

void extrudeVertices (HardwareVertexBufferSharedPtr vertexBuffer, size_t originalVertexCount, const Vector4 &lightPos, Real extrudeDist)
 Utility method for extruding vertices based on a light.

Static Public Attributes

 Small constant used to reduce far plane projection to avoid inaccuracies.

Protected Types

typedef std::map< String,
typedef std::map< size_t,

Protected Member Functions

bool isViewOutOfDate (void) const
void invalidateFrustum (void) const
 Signal to update frustum information.

void invalidateView (void) const
 Signal to update view information.

virtual void setWindowImpl (void) const
 Do actual window setting, using parameters set in SetWindow call.

const Vector3getPositionForViewUpdate (void) const
 Get the derived position of this frustum.

const QuaterniongetOrientationForViewUpdate (void) const
 Get the derived orientation of this frustum.

virtual void calcProjectionParameters (Real &left, Real &right, Real &bottom, Real &top) const
virtual void updateFrustum (void) const
 Update frustum if out of date.

virtual void updateView (void) const
 Update view if out of date.

virtual void updateFrustumImpl (void) const
 Implementation of updateFrustum (called if out of date).

virtual void updateViewImpl (void) const
 Implementation of updateView (called if out of date).

virtual void updateFrustumPlanes (void) const
virtual void updateFrustumPlanesImpl (void) const
 Implementation of updateFrustumPlanes (called if out of date).

virtual void updateWorldSpaceCorners (void) const
virtual void updateWorldSpaceCornersImpl (void) const
 Implementation of updateWorldSpaceCorners (called if out of date).

virtual void updateVertexData (void) const
virtual bool isFrustumOutOfDate (void) const
Real getExtrusionDistance (const Vector3 &objectPos, const Light *light) const
 Helper moethod for calculating extrusion distance.

virtual void updateEdgeListLightFacing (EdgeData *edgeData, const Vector4 &lightPos)
 Tells the caster to perform the tasks necessary to update the edge data's light listing.

virtual void generateShadowVolume (EdgeData *edgeData, HardwareIndexBufferSharedPtr indexBuffer, const Light *light, ShadowRenderableList &shadowRenderables, unsigned long flags)
 Generates the indexes required to render a shadow volume into the index buffer which is passed in, and updates shadow renderables to use it.

virtual void extrudeBounds (AxisAlignedBox &box, const Vector4 &lightPos, Real extrudeDist) const
 Utility method for extruding a bounding box.

virtual const StringgetAnimableDictionaryName (void) const
 Get the name of the animable dictionary for this class.

void createAnimableDictionary (void) const
 Internal method for creating a dictionary of animable value names for the class, if it does not already exist.

StringVectorgetAnimableValueNames (void)
 Get an updateable reference to animable value list.

virtual void initialiseAnimableDictionary (StringVector &vec) const
 Internal method for initialising dictionary; should be implemented by subclasses wanting to expose animable parameters.

Protected Attributes

String mName
 Camera name.

 Scene manager responsible for the scene.

Quaternion mOrientation
 Camera orientation, quaternion style.

Vector3 mPosition
 Camera position - default (0,0,0).

Quaternion mDerivedOrientation
 Derived orientation/position of the camera, including reflection.

Vector3 mDerivedPosition
Quaternion mRealOrientation
 Real world orientation/position of the camera.

Vector3 mRealPosition
bool mYawFixed
 Whether to yaw around a fixed axis.

Vector3 mYawFixedAxis
 Fixed axis to yaw around.

PolygonMode mSceneDetail
 Rendering type.

unsigned int mVisFacesLastRender
 Stored number of visible faces in the last render.

 SceneNode which this Camera will automatically track.

Vector3 mAutoTrackOffset
 Tracking offset for fine tuning.

Real mSceneLodFactor
Real mSceneLodFactorInv
 Inverted scene LOD factor, can be used by Renderables to adjust their LOD.

Real mWLeft
 Viewing window.

Real mWTop
 Viewing window.

Real mWRight
 Viewing window.

Real mWBottom
 Viewing window.

bool mWindowSet
 Is viewing window used.

std::vector< PlanemWindowClipPlanes
 Windowed viewport clip planes.

bool mRecalcWindow
 The last viewport to be added using this camera.

bool mAutoAspectRatio
 Whether aspect ratio will automaticaally be recalculated when a vieport changes its size.

 Custom culling frustum.

bool mUseRenderingDistance
 Whether or not the rendering distance of objects should take effect for this camera.

ProjectionType mProjType
 Orthographic or perspective?

Radian mFOVy
 y-direction field-of-view (default 45)

Real mFarDist
 Far clip distance - default 10000.

Real mNearDist
 Near clip distance - default 100.

Real mAspect
 x/y viewport ratio - default 1.3333

Vector2 mFrustumOffset
 Off-axis frustum center offset - default (0.0, 0.0).

Real mFocalLength
 Focal length of frustum (for stereo rendering, defaults to 1.0).

Plane mFrustumPlanes [6]
 The 6 main clipping planes.

Quaternion mLastParentOrientation
 Stored versions of parent orientation / position.

Vector3 mLastParentPosition
Matrix4 mProjMatrixRS
 Pre-calced projection matrix for the specific render system.

Matrix4 mProjMatrixRSDepth
 Pre-calced standard projection matrix but with render system depth range.

Matrix4 mProjMatrix
 Pre-calced standard projection matrix.

Matrix4 mViewMatrix
 Pre-calced view matrix.

bool mRecalcFrustum
 Something's changed in the frustrum shape?

bool mRecalcView
 Something re the view pos has changed.

bool mRecalcFrustumPlanes
 Something re the frustum planes has changed.

bool mRecalcWorldSpaceCorners
 Something re the world space corners has changed.

bool mRecalcVertexData
 Something re the vertex data has changed.

bool mCustomViewMatrix
 Are we using a custom view matrix?

bool mCustomProjMatrix
 Are we using a custom projection matrix?

AxisAlignedBox mBoundingBox
VertexData mVertexData
MaterialPtr mMaterial
Vector3 mWorldSpaceCorners [8]
bool mReflect
 Is this frustum to act as a reflection of itself?

Matrix4 mReflectMatrix
 Derived reflection matrix.

Plane mReflectPlane
 Fixed reflection plane.

const MovablePlanemLinkedReflectPlane
 Pointer to a reflection plane (automatically updated).

Plane mLastLinkedReflectionPlane
 Record of the last world-space reflection plane info used.

bool mObliqueDepthProjection
 Is this frustum using an oblique depth projection?

Plane mObliqueProjPlane
 Fixed oblique projection plane.

const MovablePlanemLinkedObliqueProjPlane
 Pointer to oblique projection plane (automatically updated).

Plane mLastLinkedObliqueProjPlane
 Record of the last world-space oblique depth projection plane info used.

 Creator of this object (if created by a factory).

 SceneManager holding this object (if applicable).

 node to which this object is attached

bool mParentIsTagPoint
bool mVisible
 Is this object visible?

Real mUpperDistance
 Upper distance to still render.

Real mSquaredUpperDistance
bool mBeyondFarDistance
 Hidden because of distance?

Any mUserAny
 User defined link to another object / value / whatever.

uint8 mRenderQueueID
 The render queue to use when rendering this object.

bool mRenderQueueIDSet
 Flags whether the RenderQueue's default should be used.

uint32 mQueryFlags
 Flags determining whether this object is included / excluded from scene queries.

uint32 mVisibilityFlags
 Flags determining whether this object is visible (compared to SceneManager mask).

AxisAlignedBox mWorldAABB
 Cached world AABB of this object.

Sphere mWorldBoundingSphere
AxisAlignedBox mWorldDarkCapBounds
 World space AABB of this object's dark cap.

bool mCastShadows
 Does this object cast shadows?

CustomParameterMap mCustomParameters
bool mPolygonModeOverrideable

Static Protected Attributes

String msMovableType
 Shared class-level name for Movable type.

uint32 msDefaultQueryFlags
 Default query flags.

uint32 msDefaultVisibilityFlags
 Default visibility flags.

AnimableDictionaryMap msAnimableDictionary
 Static map of class name to list of animable value names.

const PlaneList msDummyPlaneList


std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &o, Camera &c)
 Function for outputting to a stream.

Detailed Description

A viewpoint from which the scene will be rendered.

OGRE renders scenes from a camera viewpoint into a buffer of some sort, normally a window or a texture (a subclass of RenderTarget). OGRE cameras support both perspective projection (the default, meaning objects get smaller the further away they are) and orthographic projection (blueprint-style, no decrease in size with distance). Each camera carries with it a style of rendering, e.g. full textured, flat shaded, wireframe), field of view, rendering distances etc, allowing you to use OGRE to create complex multi-window views if required. In addition, more than one camera can point at a single render target if required, each rendering to a subset of the target, allowing split screen and picture-in-picture views.
Cameras maintain their own aspect ratios, field of view, and frustrum, and project co-ordinates into a space measured from -1 to 1 in x and y, and 0 to 1 in z. At render time, the camera will be rendering to a Viewport which will translate these parametric co-ordinates into real screen co-ordinates. Obviously it is advisable that the viewport has the same aspect ratio as the camera to avoid distortion (unless you want it!).
Note that a Camera can be attached to a SceneNode, using the method SceneNode::attachObject. If this is done the Camera will combine it's own position/orientation settings with it's parent SceneNode. This is useful for implementing more complex Camera / object relationships i.e. having a camera attached to a world object.

Definition at line 76 of file OgreCamera.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

typedef std::map<String, StringVector> Ogre::AnimableObject::AnimableDictionaryMap [protected, inherited]

Definition at line 202 of file OgreAnimable.h.

typedef std::map<size_t, Vector4> Ogre::Renderable::CustomParameterMap [protected, inherited]

Definition at line 247 of file OgreRenderable.h.

typedef std::vector<ShadowRenderable*> Ogre::ShadowCaster::ShadowRenderableList [inherited]

Definition at line 121 of file OgreShadowCaster.h.

typedef VectorIterator<ShadowRenderableList> Ogre::ShadowCaster::ShadowRenderableListIterator [inherited]

Definition at line 122 of file OgreShadowCaster.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

Ogre::Camera::Camera const String name,
SceneManager sm

Standard constructor.

virtual Ogre::Camera::~Camera  )  [virtual]

Standard destructor.

Member Function Documentation

void Ogre::Camera::_autoTrack void   ) 

Internal method used by OGRE to update auto-tracking cameras.

Real Ogre::Camera::_getLodBiasInverse void   )  const

Internal method for OGRE to use for LOD calculations.

virtual SceneManager* Ogre::MovableObject::_getManager void   )  const [virtual, inherited]

Get the manager of this object, if any (internal use only).

Definition at line 111 of file OgreMovableObject.h.

unsigned int Ogre::Camera::_getNumRenderedFaces void   )  const

Internal method to retrieve the number of visible faces in the last render.

virtual Matrix4 Ogre::MovableObject::_getParentNodeFullTransform void   )  const [virtual, inherited]

return the full transformation of the parent sceneNode or the attachingPoint node

virtual void Ogre::MovableObject::_notifyAttached Node parent,
bool  isTagPoint = false
[virtual, inherited]

Internal method called to notify the object that it has been attached to a node.

Reimplemented in Ogre::Entity, and Ogre::ParticleSystem.

virtual void Ogre::MovableObject::_notifyCreator MovableObjectFactory fact  )  [virtual, inherited]

Notify the object of it's creator (internal use only).

Definition at line 107 of file OgreMovableObject.h.

void Ogre::Frustum::_notifyCurrentCamera Camera cam  )  [virtual, inherited]

Overridden from MovableObject.

Reimplemented from Ogre::MovableObject.

virtual void Ogre::MovableObject::_notifyManager SceneManager man  )  [virtual, inherited]

Notify the object of it's manager (internal use only).

Definition at line 109 of file OgreMovableObject.h.

void Ogre::Camera::_notifyRenderedFaces unsigned int  numfaces  ) 

Internal method to notify camera of the visible faces in the last render.

void Ogre::Camera::_notifyViewport Viewport viewport  ) 

Notifies this camera that a viewport is using it.

Definition at line 471 of file OgreCamera.h.

void Ogre::Camera::_renderScene Viewport vp,
bool  includeOverlays

Tells the Camera to contact the SceneManager to render from it's viewpoint.

vp The viewport to render to
includeOverlays Whether or not any overlay objects should be included

virtual void Ogre::Renderable::_updateCustomGpuParameter const GpuProgramParameters::AutoConstantEntry constantEntry,
GpuProgramParameters params
const [virtual, inherited]

Update a custom GpuProgramParameters constant which is derived from information only this Renderable knows.

This method allows a Renderable to map in a custom GPU program parameter based on it's own data. This is represented by a GPU auto parameter of ACT_CUSTOM, and to allow there to be more than one of these per Renderable, the 'data' field on the auto parameter will identify which parameter is being updated. The implementation of this method must identify the parameter being updated, and call a 'setConstant' method on the passed in GpuProgramParameters object, using the details provided in the incoming auto constant setting to identify the index at which to set the parameter.
You do not need to override this method if you're using the standard sets of data associated with the Renderable as provided by setCustomParameter and getCustomParameter. By default, the implementation will map from the value indexed by the '' parameter to a value previously set by setCustomParameter. But custom Renderables are free to override this if they want, in any case.
constantEntry The auto constant entry referring to the parameter being updated
params The parameters object which this method should call to set the updated parameters.

Reimplemented in Ogre::SubEntity, and Ogre::TerrainRenderable.

Definition at line 215 of file OgreRenderable.h.

References Ogre::GpuProgramParameters::AutoConstantEntry::data, Ogre::GpuProgramParameters::AutoConstantEntry::index, and Ogre::GpuProgramParameters::setConstant().

void Ogre::Frustum::_updateRenderQueue RenderQueue queue  )  [virtual, inherited]

Overridden from MovableObject.

Implements Ogre::MovableObject.

virtual void Ogre::MovableObject::addQueryFlags uint32  flags  )  [virtual, inherited]

As setQueryFlags, except the flags passed as parameters are appended to the existing flags on this object.

Definition at line 268 of file OgreMovableObject.h.

References Ogre::uint32.

virtual void Ogre::MovableObject::addVisibilityFlags uint32  flags  )  [virtual, inherited]

As setVisibilityFlags, except the flags passed as parameters are appended to the existing flags on this object.

Definition at line 296 of file OgreMovableObject.h.

References Ogre::uint32.

virtual void Ogre::Frustum::calcProjectionParameters Real left,
Real right,
Real bottom,
Real top
const [protected, virtual, inherited]

void Ogre::AnimableObject::createAnimableDictionary void   )  const [protected, inherited]

Internal method for creating a dictionary of animable value names for the class, if it does not already exist.

Definition at line 215 of file OgreAnimable.h.

References Ogre::StringVector.

virtual AnimableValuePtr Ogre::AnimableObject::createAnimableValue const String valueName  )  [virtual, inherited]

Create a reference-counted AnimableValuePtr for the named value.

You can use the returned object to animate a value on this object, using AnimationTrack. Subclasses must override this if they wish to support animation of their values.

Reimplemented in Ogre::Light.

Definition at line 281 of file OgreAnimable.h.

References Ogre::AnimableValuePtr, OGRE_EXCEPT, and Ogre::String.

virtual void Ogre::Frustum::disableCustomNearClipPlane void   )  [virtual, inherited]

Disables any custom near clip plane.

virtual void Ogre::Frustum::disableReflection void   )  [virtual, inherited]

Disables reflection modification previously turned on with enableReflection.

virtual void Ogre::Frustum::enableCustomNearClipPlane const Plane plane  )  [virtual, inherited]

Links the frustum to a custom near clip plane, which can be used to clip geometry in a custom manner without using user clip planes.

There are several applications for clipping a scene arbitrarily by a single plane; the most common is when rendering a reflection to a texture, and you only want to render geometry that is above the water plane (to do otherwise results in artefacts). Whilst it is possible to use user clip planes, they are not supported on all cards, and sometimes are not hardware accelerated when they are available. Instead, where a single clip plane is involved, this technique uses a 'fudging' of the near clip plane, which is available and fast on all hardware, to perform as the arbitrary clip plane. This does change the shape of the frustum, leading to some depth buffer loss of precision, but for many of the uses of this technique that is not an issue.
This technique only works for perspective projection.
plane The plane to link to to perform the clipping. This plane must continue to exist while the camera is linked to it; do not destroy it before the frustum.

virtual void Ogre::Frustum::enableCustomNearClipPlane const MovablePlane plane  )  [virtual, inherited]

Links the frustum to a custom near clip plane, which can be used to clip geometry in a custom manner without using user clip planes.

There are several applications for clipping a scene arbitrarily by a single plane; the most common is when rendering a reflection to a texture, and you only want to render geometry that is above the water plane (to do otherwise results in artefacts). Whilst it is possible to use user clip planes, they are not supported on all cards, and sometimes are not hardware accelerated when they are available. Instead, where a single clip plane is involved, this technique uses a 'fudging' of the near clip plane, which is available and fast on all hardware, to perform as the arbitrary clip plane. This does change the shape of the frustum, leading to some depth buffer loss of precision, but for many of the uses of this technique that is not an issue.
This version of the method links to a plane, rather than requiring a by-value plane definition, and therefore you can make changes to the plane (e.g. by moving / rotating the node it is attached to) and they will automatically affect this object.
This technique only works for perspective projection.
plane The plane to link to to perform the clipping. This plane must continue to exist while the camera is linked to it; do not destroy it before the frustum.

virtual void Ogre::Frustum::enableReflection const MovablePlane p  )  [virtual, inherited]

Modifies this frustum so it always renders from the reflection of itself through the plane specified.

Note that this version of the method links to a plane so that changes to it are picked up automatically. It is important that this plane continues to exist whilst this object does; do not destroy the plane before the frustum.

This is obviously useful for performing planar reflections.

virtual void Ogre::Frustum::enableReflection const Plane p  )  [virtual, inherited]

Modifies this frustum so it always renders from the reflection of itself through the plane specified.

This is obviously useful for performing planar reflections.

virtual void Ogre::ShadowCaster::extrudeBounds AxisAlignedBox box,
const Vector4 lightPos,
Real  extrudeDist
const [protected, virtual, inherited]

Utility method for extruding a bounding box.

box Original bounding box, will be updated in-place
lightPos 4D light position in object space, when w=0.0f this represents a directional light
extrudeDist The distance to extrude

void Ogre::ShadowCaster::extrudeVertices HardwareVertexBufferSharedPtr  vertexBuffer,
size_t  originalVertexCount,
const Vector4 lightPos,
Real  extrudeDist
[static, inherited]

Utility method for extruding vertices based on a light.

Unfortunately, because D3D cannot handle homogenous (4D) position coordinates in the fixed-function pipeline (GL can, but we have to be cross-API), when we extrude in software we cannot extrude to infinity the way we do in the vertex program (by setting w to 0.0f). Therefore we extrude by a fixed distance, which may cause some problems with larger scenes. Luckily better hardware (ie vertex programs) can fix this.
vertexBuffer The vertex buffer containing ONLY xyz position values, which must be originalVertexCount * 2 * 3 floats long.
originalVertexCount The count of the original number of vertices, ie the number in the mesh, not counting the doubling which has already been done (by VertexData::prepareForShadowVolume) to provide the extruded area of the buffer.
lightPos 4D light position in object space, when w=0.0f this represents a directional light
extrudeDist The distance to extrude

virtual void Ogre::ShadowCaster::generateShadowVolume EdgeData edgeData,
HardwareIndexBufferSharedPtr  indexBuffer,
const Light light,
ShadowRenderableList shadowRenderables,
unsigned long  flags
[protected, virtual, inherited]

Generates the indexes required to render a shadow volume into the index buffer which is passed in, and updates shadow renderables to use it.

edgeData The edge information to use
indexBuffer The buffer into which to write data into; current contents are assumed to be discardable.
light The light, mainly for type info as silhouette calculations should already have been done in updateEdgeListLightFacing
shadowRenderables A list of shadow renderables which has already been constructed but will need populating with details of the index ranges to be used.
flags Additional controller flags, see ShadowRenderableFlags

virtual const String& Ogre::AnimableObject::getAnimableDictionaryName void   )  const [protected, virtual, inherited]

Get the name of the animable dictionary for this class.

Subclasses must override this if they want to support animation of their values.

Reimplemented in Ogre::Light.

Definition at line 210 of file OgreAnimable.h.

References Ogre::String.

const StringVector& Ogre::AnimableObject::getAnimableValueNames void   )  const [inherited]

Gets a list of animable value names for this object.

Definition at line 256 of file OgreAnimable.h.

References OGRE_EXCEPT, and Ogre::StringVector.

StringVector& Ogre::AnimableObject::getAnimableValueNames void   )  [protected, inherited]

Get an updateable reference to animable value list.

Definition at line 228 of file OgreAnimable.h.

References OGRE_EXCEPT, and Ogre::StringVector.

virtual Real Ogre::Frustum::getAspectRatio void   )  const [virtual, inherited]

Retreives the current aspect ratio.

bool Ogre::Camera::getAutoAspectRatio void   )  const

Retreives if AutoAspectRatio is currently set or not.

const Vector3& Ogre::Camera::getAutoTrackOffset void   )  const

Get the auto tracking offset for this camera, if it is auto tracking.

Definition at line 462 of file OgreCamera.h.

SceneNode* Ogre::Camera::getAutoTrackTarget void   )  const

Get the auto tracking target for this camera, if any.

Definition at line 460 of file OgreCamera.h.

const AxisAlignedBox& Ogre::Frustum::getBoundingBox void   )  const [virtual, inherited]

Overridden from MovableObject.

Implements Ogre::MovableObject.

Real Ogre::Camera::getBoundingRadius void   )  const [virtual]

Overridden from MovableObject.

Reimplemented from Ogre::Frustum.

Ray Ogre::Camera::getCameraToViewportRay Real  screenx,
Real  screeny

Gets a world space ray as cast from the camera through a viewport position.

screenx,screeny The x and y position at which the ray should intersect the viewport, in normalised screen coordinates [0,1]

bool Ogre::MovableObject::getCastShadows void   )  const [virtual, inherited]

Returns whether shadow casting is enabled for this object.

Implements Ogre::ShadowCaster.

Definition at line 339 of file OgreMovableObject.h.

virtual bool Ogre::Renderable::getCastsShadows void   )  const [virtual, inherited]

Method which reports whether this renderable would normally cast a shadow.

Subclasses should override this if they could have been used to generate a shadow.

Reimplemented in Ogre::StaticGeometry::GeometryBucket, and Ogre::SubEntity.

Definition at line 150 of file OgreRenderable.h.

virtual const PlaneList& Ogre::Renderable::getClipPlanes  )  const [virtual, inherited]

Definition at line 142 of file OgreRenderable.h.

References Ogre::PlaneList.

Frustum* Ogre::Camera::getCullingFrustum void   ) 

Returns the custom culling frustum in use.

Definition at line 499 of file OgreCamera.h.

const Vector4& Ogre::Renderable::getCustomParameter size_t  index  )  const [inherited]

Gets the custom value associated with this Renderable at the given index.

@see setCustomParaemter for full details.

Definition at line 176 of file OgreRenderable.h.

References OGRE_EXCEPT.

const AxisAlignedBox& Ogre::MovableObject::getDarkCapBounds const Light light,
Real  dirLightExtrusionDist
const [virtual, inherited]

Overridden member from ShadowCaster.

Implements Ogre::ShadowCaster.

uint32 Ogre::MovableObject::getDefaultQueryFlags uint32  flags  )  [static, inherited]

Get the default query flags for all future MovableObject instances.

Definition at line 283 of file OgreMovableObject.h.

References Ogre::uint32.

uint32 Ogre::MovableObject::getDefaultVisibilityFlags uint32  flags  )  [static, inherited]

Get the default visibility flags for all future MovableObject instances.

Definition at line 311 of file OgreMovableObject.h.

References Ogre::uint32.

Vector3 Ogre::Camera::getDerivedDirection void   )  const

Gets the derived direction vector of the camera, including any rotation inherited from a node attachment and reflection matrix.

const Quaternion& Ogre::Camera::getDerivedOrientation void   )  const

Gets the derived orientation of the camera, including any rotation inherited from a node attachment and reflection matrix.

const Vector3& Ogre::Camera::getDerivedPosition void   )  const

Gets the derived position of the camera, including any translation inherited from a node attachment and reflection matrix.

Vector3 Ogre::Camera::getDerivedRight void   )  const

Gets the derived right vector of the camera, including any rotation inherited from a node attachment and reflection matrix.

Vector3 Ogre::Camera::getDerivedUp void   )  const

Gets the derived up vector of the camera, including any rotation inherited from a node attachment and reflection matrix.

Vector3 Ogre::Camera::getDirection void   )  const

EdgeData* Ogre::MovableObject::getEdgeList void   )  [virtual, inherited]

Define a default implementation of method from ShadowCaster which implements no shadows.

Implements Ogre::ShadowCaster.

Reimplemented in Ogre::Entity, Ogre::ManualObject, and Ogre::StaticGeometry::Region.

Definition at line 314 of file OgreMovableObject.h.

Real Ogre::ShadowCaster::getExtrusionDistance const Vector3 objectPos,
const Light light
const [protected, inherited]

Helper moethod for calculating extrusion distance.

Real Ogre::Camera::getFarClipDistance void   )  const [virtual]

Reimplemented from Ogre::Frustum.

virtual Real Ogre::Frustum::getFocalLength  )  const [virtual, inherited]

Returns focal length of frustum.

virtual const Radian& Ogre::Frustum::getFOVy void   )  const [virtual, inherited]

Retrieves the frustums Y-dimension Field Of View (FOV).

virtual const Vector2& Ogre::Frustum::getFrustumOffset  )  const [virtual, inherited]

Retreives the frustum offsets.

const Plane& Ogre::Camera::getFrustumPlane unsigned short  plane  )  const [virtual]

Gets a reference to one of the planes which make up the frustum frustum, e.g. for clipping purposes.

Reimplemented from Ogre::Frustum.

virtual const Plane* Ogre::Frustum::getFrustumPlanes void   )  const [virtual, inherited]

Retrieves the clipping planes of the frustum.

The clipping planes are ordered as declared in enumerate constants FrustumPlane.

const AxisAlignedBox& Ogre::MovableObject::getLightCapBounds void   )  const [virtual, inherited]

Overridden member from ShadowCaster.

Implements Ogre::ShadowCaster.

const LightList& Ogre::Frustum::getLights void   )  const [virtual, inherited]

Overridden from Renderable.

Implements Ogre::Renderable.

Real Ogre::Camera::getLodBias void   )  const

Returns the level-of-detail bias factor currently applied to this camera.

See Camera::setLodBias for more details.

const MaterialPtr& Ogre::Frustum::getMaterial void   )  const [virtual, inherited]

Overridden from Renderable.

Implements Ogre::Renderable.

const String& Ogre::Camera::getMovableType void   )  const [virtual]

Overridden from MovableObject.

Reimplemented from Ogre::Frustum.

virtual const String& Ogre::Camera::getName void   )  const [virtual]

Gets the camera's name.

Reimplemented from Ogre::MovableObject.

Real Ogre::Camera::getNearClipDistance void   )  const [virtual]

Reimplemented from Ogre::Frustum.

virtual bool Ogre::Renderable::getNormaliseNormals void   )  const [virtual, inherited]

Returns whether or not this Renderable wishes the hardware to normalise normals.

Reimplemented in Ogre::SubEntity.

Definition at line 134 of file OgreRenderable.h.

virtual unsigned short Ogre::Renderable::getNumWorldTransforms void   )  const [virtual, inherited]

Returns the number of world transform matrices this renderable requires.

When a renderable uses vertex blending, it uses multiple world matrices instead of a single one. Each vertex sent to the pipeline can reference one or more matrices in this list with given weights. If a renderable does not use vertex blending this method returns 1, which is the default for simplicity.

Reimplemented in Ogre::BorderRenderable, and Ogre::SubEntity.

Definition at line 104 of file OgreRenderable.h.

const Quaternion& Ogre::Camera::getOrientation void   )  const

Returns the camera's current orientation.

const Quaternion& Ogre::Camera::getOrientationForViewUpdate void   )  const [protected, virtual]

Get the derived orientation of this frustum.

Reimplemented from Ogre::Frustum.

virtual Node* Ogre::MovableObject::getParentNode void   )  const [virtual, inherited]

Returns the node to which this object is attached.

A MovableObject may be attached to either a SceneNode or to a TagPoint, the latter case if it's attached to a bone on an animated entity. Both are Node subclasses so this method will return either.

virtual SceneNode* Ogre::MovableObject::getParentSceneNode void   )  const [virtual, inherited]

Returns the scene node to which this object is attached.

A MovableObject may be attached to either a SceneNode or to a TagPoint, the latter case if it's attached to a bone on an animated entity. This method will return the scene node of the parent entity if the latter is true.

Real Ogre::MovableObject::getPointExtrusionDistance const Light l  )  const [virtual, inherited]

Get the distance to extrude for a point/spot light.

Implements Ogre::ShadowCaster.

PolygonMode Ogre::Camera::getPolygonMode void   )  const

Retrieves the level of detail that the camera will render.

virtual bool Ogre::Renderable::getPolygonModeOverrideable void   )  const [virtual, inherited]

Gets whether this renderable's chosen detail level can be overridden (downgraded) by the camera setting.

Reimplemented in Ogre::BorderRenderable.

Definition at line 239 of file OgreRenderable.h.

const Vector3& Ogre::Camera::getPosition void   )  const

Retrieves the camera's position.

const Vector3& Ogre::Camera::getPositionForViewUpdate void   )  const [protected, virtual]

Get the derived position of this frustum.

Reimplemented from Ogre::Frustum.

virtual const Matrix4& Ogre::Frustum::getProjectionMatrix void   )  const [virtual, inherited]

Gets the normal projection matrix for this frustum, ie the projection matrix which conforms to standard right-handed rules and uses depth range [-1,+1].

This differs from the rendering-API dependent getRenderSystemProjectionMatrix in that it always returns a right-handed projection matrix with depth range [-1,+1], result no matter what rendering API is being used - this is required for some uniform algebra for example.

virtual const Matrix4& Ogre::Frustum::getProjectionMatrixRS void   )  const [virtual, inherited]

Gets the projection matrix for this frustum adjusted for the current rendersystem specifics (may be right or left-handed, depth range may vary).

This method retrieves the rendering-API dependent version of the projection matrix. If you want a 'typical' projection matrix then use getProjectionMatrix.

virtual const Matrix4& Ogre::Frustum::getProjectionMatrixWithRSDepth void   )  const [virtual, inherited]

Gets the depth-adjusted projection matrix for the current rendersystem, but one which still conforms to right-hand rules.

This differs from the rendering-API dependent getProjectionMatrix in that it always returns a right-handed projection matrix result no matter what rendering API is being used - this is required for vertex and fragment programs for example. However, the resulting depth range may still vary between render systems since D3D uses [0,1] and GL uses [-1,1], and the range must be kept the same between programmable and fixed-function pipelines.

virtual ProjectionType Ogre::Frustum::getProjectionType void   )  const [virtual, inherited]

Retrieves info on the type of projection used (orthographic or perspective).

virtual uint32 Ogre::MovableObject::getQueryFlags void   )  const [virtual, inherited]

Returns the query flags relevant for this object.

Definition at line 275 of file OgreMovableObject.h.

References Ogre::uint32.

Vector3 Ogre::Camera::getRealDirection void   )  const

Gets the real world direction vector of the camera, including any rotation inherited from a node attachment.

const Quaternion& Ogre::Camera::getRealOrientation void   )  const

Gets the real world orientation of the camera, including any rotation inherited from a node attachment.

const Vector3& Ogre::Camera::getRealPosition void   )  const

Gets the real world position of the camera, including any translation inherited from a node attachment.

Vector3 Ogre::Camera::getRealRight void   )  const

Gets the real world right vector of the camera, including any rotation inherited from a node attachment.

Vector3 Ogre::Camera::getRealUp void   )  const

Gets the real world up vector of the camera, including any rotation inherited from a node attachment.

virtual const Matrix4& Ogre::Frustum::getReflectionMatrix void   )  const [virtual, inherited]

Returns the reflection matrix of the frustum if appropriate.

Definition at line 507 of file OgreFrustum.h.

virtual const Plane& Ogre::Frustum::getReflectionPlane void   )  const [virtual, inherited]

Returns the reflection plane of the frustum if appropriate.

Definition at line 509 of file OgreFrustum.h.

virtual Real Ogre::MovableObject::getRenderingDistance void   )  const [virtual, inherited]

Gets the distance at which batches are no longer rendered.

Definition at line 208 of file OgreMovableObject.h.

References Ogre::Real.

void Ogre::Frustum::getRenderOperation RenderOperation op  )  [virtual, inherited]

Overridden from Renderable.

Implements Ogre::Renderable.

virtual uint8 Ogre::MovableObject::getRenderQueueGroup void   )  const [virtual, inherited]

Gets the queue group for this entity, see setRenderQueueGroup for full details.

Vector3 Ogre::Camera::getRight void   )  const

Gets the camera's right vector.

SceneManager* Ogre::Camera::getSceneManager void   )  const

Returns a pointer to the SceneManager this camera is rendering through.

ShadowRenderableListIterator Ogre::MovableObject::getShadowVolumeRenderableIterator ShadowTechnique  shadowTechnique,
const Light light,
HardwareIndexBufferSharedPtr indexBuffer,
bool  extrudeVertices,
Real  extrusionDist,
unsigned long  flags = 0
[virtual, inherited]

Define a default implementation of method from ShadowCaster which implements no shadows.

Implements Ogre::ShadowCaster.

Reimplemented in Ogre::Entity, Ogre::ManualObject, and Ogre::StaticGeometry::Region.

Real Ogre::Frustum::getSquaredViewDepth const Camera cam  )  const [virtual, inherited]

Overridden from Renderable.

Implements Ogre::Renderable.

virtual Technique* Ogre::Renderable::getTechnique void   )  const [virtual, inherited]

Retrieves a pointer to the Material Technique this renderable object uses.

This is to allow Renderables to use a chosen Technique if they wish, otherwise they will use the best Technique available for the Material they are using.

Reimplemented in Ogre::StaticGeometry::GeometryBucket, and Ogre::SubEntity.

Definition at line 69 of file OgreRenderable.h.

virtual uint32 Ogre::MovableObject::getTypeFlags void   )  const [virtual, inherited]

Get the 'type flags' for this MovableObject.

A type flag identifies the type of the MovableObject as a bitpattern. This is used for categorical inclusion / exclusion in SceneQuery objects. By default, this method returns all ones for objects not created by a MovableObjectFactory (hence always including them); otherwise it returns the value assigned to the MovableObjectFactory. Custom objects which don't use MovableObjectFactory will need to override this if they want to be included in queries.

Reimplemented in Ogre::BillboardSet, Ogre::Entity, Ogre::Light, Ogre::ParticleSystem, Ogre::StaticGeometry::Region, and Ogre::TerrainRenderable.

Vector3 Ogre::Camera::getUp void   )  const

Gets the camera's up vector.

virtual const Any& Ogre::MovableObject::getUserAny void   )  const [virtual, inherited]

Retrieves the custom user value associated with this object.

Definition at line 236 of file OgreMovableObject.h.

virtual bool Ogre::Camera::getUseRenderingDistance void   )  const [virtual]

Get whether this camera should use the 'rendering distance' on objects to exclude distant objects from the final image.

Definition at line 538 of file OgreCamera.h.

virtual UserDefinedObject* Ogre::MovableObject::getUserObject void   )  [virtual, inherited]

Retrieves a pointer to a custom application object associated with this movable by an earlier call to setUserObject.

Definition at line 220 of file OgreMovableObject.h.

const Matrix4& Ogre::Camera::getViewMatrix bool  ownFrustumOnly  )  const

Specialised version of getViewMatrix allowing caller to differentiate whether the custom culling frustum should be allowed or not.

The default behaviour of the standard getViewMatrix is to delegate to the alternate culling frustum, if it is set. This is expected when performing CPU calculations, but the final rendering must be performed using the real view matrix in order to display the correct debug view.

const Matrix4& Ogre::Camera::getViewMatrix void   )  const [virtual]

Mainly for use by OGRE internally.

Reimplemented from Ogre::Frustum.

Viewport* Ogre::Camera::getViewport void   )  const

Get the last viewport which was attached to this camera.

This is not guaranteed to be the only viewport which is using this camera, just the last once which was created referring to it.

Definition at line 469 of file OgreCamera.h.

virtual uint32 Ogre::MovableObject::getVisibilityFlags void   )  const [virtual, inherited]

Returns the visibility flags relevant for this object.

Definition at line 303 of file OgreMovableObject.h.

References Ogre::uint32.

const std::vector<Plane>& Ogre::Camera::getWindowPlanes void   )  const

Gets the window clip planes, only applicable if isWindowSet == true.

virtual const AxisAlignedBox& Ogre::MovableObject::getWorldBoundingBox bool  derive = false  )  const [virtual, inherited]

Retrieves the axis-aligned bounding box for this object in world coordinates.

Implements Ogre::ShadowCaster.

Reimplemented in Ogre::Entity.

virtual const Sphere& Ogre::MovableObject::getWorldBoundingSphere bool  derive = false  )  const [virtual, inherited]

Retrieves the worldspace bounding sphere for this object.

Reimplemented in Ogre::Entity.

const Quaternion& Ogre::Frustum::getWorldOrientation void   )  const [virtual, inherited]

Overridden from Renderable.

Implements Ogre::Renderable.

const Vector3& Ogre::Frustum::getWorldPosition void   )  const [virtual, inherited]

Overridden from Renderable.

Implements Ogre::Renderable.

const Vector3* Ogre::Camera::getWorldSpaceCorners void   )  const [virtual]

The corners are ordered as follows: top-right near, top-left near, bottom-left near, bottom-right near, top-right far, top-left far, bottom-left far, bottom-right far.

Reimplemented from Ogre::Frustum.

void Ogre::Frustum::getWorldTransforms Matrix4 xform  )  const [virtual, inherited]

Overridden from Renderable.

Implements Ogre::Renderable.

virtual void Ogre::AnimableObject::initialiseAnimableDictionary StringVector vec  )  const [protected, virtual, inherited]

Internal method for initialising dictionary; should be implemented by subclasses wanting to expose animable parameters.

Reimplemented in Ogre::Light.

Definition at line 248 of file OgreAnimable.h.

References Ogre::StringVector.

void Ogre::Camera::invalidateFrustum void   )  const [protected, virtual]

Signal to update frustum information.

Reimplemented from Ogre::Frustum.

void Ogre::Camera::invalidateView void   )  const [protected, virtual]

Signal to update view information.

Reimplemented from Ogre::Frustum.

virtual bool Ogre::MovableObject::isAttached void   )  const [virtual, inherited]

Returns true if this object is attached to a SceneNode or TagPoint.

virtual bool Ogre::Frustum::isCustomNearClipPlaneEnabled void   )  const [virtual, inherited]

Is a custom near clip plane in use?

Definition at line 574 of file OgreFrustum.h.

virtual bool Ogre::Frustum::isCustomProjectionMatrixEnabled void   )  const [virtual, inherited]

Returns whether a custom projection matrix is in use.

Definition at line 378 of file OgreFrustum.h.

virtual bool Ogre::Frustum::isCustomViewMatrixEnabled void   )  const [virtual, inherited]

Returns whether a custom view matrix is in use.

Definition at line 353 of file OgreFrustum.h.

virtual bool Ogre::Frustum::isFrustumOutOfDate void   )  const [protected, virtual, inherited]

virtual bool Ogre::MovableObject::isInScene void   )  const [virtual, inherited]

Returns true if this object is attached to a SceneNode or TagPoint, and this SceneNode / TagPoint is currently in an active part of the scene graph.

virtual bool Ogre::Frustum::isReflected void   )  const [virtual, inherited]

Returns whether this frustum is being reflected.

Definition at line 505 of file OgreFrustum.h.

bool Ogre::Camera::isViewOutOfDate void   )  const [protected, virtual]

Reimplemented from Ogre::Frustum.

virtual bool Ogre::MovableObject::isVisible void   )  const [virtual, inherited]

Returns whether or not this object is supposed to be visible or not.

Takes into account both upper rendering distance and visible flag.

Reimplemented in Ogre::StaticGeometry::Region.

bool Ogre::Camera::isVisible const Vector3 vert,
FrustumPlane culledBy = 0
const [virtual]

bound Bounding box to be checked
culledBy Optional pointer to an int which will be filled by the plane number which culled the box if the result was false;
If the box was visible, true is returned.
Otherwise, false is returned.

Reimplemented from Ogre::Frustum.

bool Ogre::Camera::isVisible const Sphere bound,
FrustumPlane culledBy = 0
const [virtual]

bound Bounding box to be checked
culledBy Optional pointer to an int which will be filled by the plane number which culled the box if the result was false;
If the box was visible, true is returned.
Otherwise, false is returned.

Reimplemented from Ogre::Frustum.

bool Ogre::Camera::isVisible const AxisAlignedBox bound,
FrustumPlane culledBy = 0
const [virtual]

bound Bounding box to be checked
culledBy Optional pointer to an int which will be filled by the plane number which culled the box if the result was false;
If the box was visible, true is returned.
Otherwise, false is returned.

Reimplemented from Ogre::Frustum.

virtual bool Ogre::Camera::isWindowSet void   )  const [virtual]

Returns if a viewport window is being used.

Definition at line 453 of file OgreCamera.h.

void Ogre::Camera::lookAt Real  x,
Real  y,
Real  z

Points the camera at a location in worldspace.

This is a helper method to automatically generate the direction vector for the camera, based on it's current position and the supplied look-at point.
z Co-ordinates of the point to look at.

void Ogre::Camera::lookAt const Vector3 targetPoint  ) 

Points the camera at a location in worldspace.

This is a helper method to automatically generate the direction vector for the camera, based on it's current position and the supplied look-at point.
targetPoint A vector specifying the look at point.

void Ogre::Camera::move const Vector3 vec  ) 

Moves the camera's position by the vector offset provided along world axes.

void Ogre::Camera::moveRelative const Vector3 vec  ) 

Moves the camera's position by the vector offset provided along it's own axes (relative to orientation).

void Ogre::Camera::pitch const Radian angle  ) 

Pitches the camera up/down anticlockwise around it's local z axis.

bool Ogre::Camera::projectSphere const Sphere sphere,
Real left,
Real top,
Real right,
Real bottom
const [virtual]

sphere The world-space sphere to project
radius Radius of the sphere
left,top,right,bottom Pointers to destination values, these will be completed with the normalised device coordinates (in the range {-1,1})
true if the sphere was projected to a subset of the near plane, false if the entire near plane was contained

Reimplemented from Ogre::Frustum.

virtual void Ogre::MovableObject::removeQueryFlags unsigned long  flags  )  [virtual, inherited]

As setQueryFlags, except the flags passed as parameters are removed from the existing flags on this object.

Definition at line 272 of file OgreMovableObject.h.

virtual void Ogre::MovableObject::removeVisibilityFlags uint32  flags  )  [virtual, inherited]

As setVisibilityFlags, except the flags passed as parameters are removed from the existing flags on this object.

Definition at line 300 of file OgreMovableObject.h.

References Ogre::uint32.

virtual void Ogre::Camera::resetWindow void   )  [virtual]

Cancel view window.

void Ogre::Camera::roll const Radian angle  ) 

Rolls the camera anticlockwise, around its local z axis.

void Ogre::Camera::rotate const Quaternion q  ) 

Rotate the camera around an aritrary axis using a Quarternion.

void Ogre::Camera::rotate const Vector3 axis,
const Radian angle

Rotate the camera around an arbitrary axis.

virtual void Ogre::Frustum::setAspectRatio Real  ratio  )  [virtual, inherited]

Sets the aspect ratio for the frustum viewport.

The ratio between the x and y dimensions of the rectangular area visible through the frustum is known as aspect ratio: aspect = width / height .
The default for most fullscreen windows is 1.3333 - this is also assumed by Ogre unless you use this method to state otherwise.

void Ogre::Camera::setAutoAspectRatio bool  autoratio  ) 

If set to true a vieport that owns this frustum will be able to recalculate the aspect ratio whenever the frustum is resized.

You should set this to true only if the frustum / camera is used by one viewport at the same time. Otherwise the aspect ratio for other viewports may be wrong.

void Ogre::Camera::setAutoTracking bool  enabled,
SceneNode target = 0,
const Vector3 offset = Vector3::ZERO

Enables / disables automatic tracking of a SceneNode.

If you enable auto-tracking, this Camera will automatically rotate to look at the target SceneNode every frame, no matter how it or SceneNode move. This is handy if you want a Camera to be focused on a single object or group of objects. Note that by default the Camera looks at the origin of the SceneNode, if you want to tweak this, e.g. if the object which is attached to this target node is quite big and you want to point the camera at a specific point on it, provide a vector in the 'offset' parameter and the camera's target point will be adjusted.
enabled If true, the Camera will track the SceneNode supplied as the next parameter (cannot be null). If false the camera will cease tracking and will remain in it's current orientation.
target Pointer to the SceneNode which this Camera will track. Make sure you don't delete this SceneNode before turning off tracking (e.g. SceneManager::clearScene will delete it so be careful of this). Can be null if and only if the enabled param is false.
offset If supplied, the camera targets this point in local space of the target node instead of the origin of the target node. Good for fine tuning the look at point.

void Ogre::MovableObject::setCastShadows bool  enabled  )  [inherited]

Sets whether or not this object will cast shadows.

This setting simply allows you to turn on/off shadows for a given object. An object will not cast shadows unless the scene supports it in any case (see SceneManager::setShadowTechnique), and also the material which is in use must also have shadow casting enabled. By default all entities cast shadows. If, however, for some reason you wish to disable this for a single object then you can do so using this method.
This method normally refers to objects which block the light, but since Light is also a subclass of MovableObject, in that context it means whether the light causes shadows itself.

Definition at line 337 of file OgreMovableObject.h.

void Ogre::Camera::setCullingFrustum Frustum frustum  ) 

Tells the camera to use a separate Frustum instance to perform culling.

By calling this method, you can tell the camera to perform culling against a different frustum to it's own. This is mostly useful for debug cameras that allow you to show the culling behaviour of another camera, or a manual frustum instance.
frustum Pointer to a frustum to use; this can either be a manual Frustum instance (which you can attach to scene nodes like any other MovableObject), or another camera. If you pass 0 to this method it reverts the camera to normal behaviour.

Definition at line 497 of file OgreCamera.h.

void Ogre::Renderable::setCustomParameter size_t  index,
const Vector4 value

Sets a custom parameter for this Renderable, which may be used to drive calculations for this specific Renderable, like GPU program parameters.

Calling this method simply associates a numeric index with a 4-dimensional value for this specific Renderable. This is most useful if the material which this Renderable uses a vertex or fragment program, and has an ACT_CUSTOM parameter entry. This parameter entry can refer to the index you specify as part of this call, thereby mapping a custom parameter for this renderable to a program parameter.
index The index with which to associate the value. Note that this does not have to start at 0, and can include gaps. It also has no direct correlation with a GPU program parameter index - the mapping between the two is performed by the ACT_CUSTOM entry, if that is used.
value The value to associate.

Definition at line 167 of file OgreRenderable.h.

virtual void Ogre::Frustum::setCustomProjectionMatrix bool  enable,
const Matrix4 projectionMatrix = Matrix4::IDENTITY
[virtual, inherited]

Set whether to use a custom projection matrix on this frustum.

This is an advanced method which allows you to manually set the projection matrix on this frustum, rather than having it calculate itself based on it's position and orientation.
After enabling a custom projection matrix, the frustum will no longer update on its own based on field of view and near / far distance changes. You are completely responsible for keeping the projection matrix up to date if those values change. The custom matrix will be returned from getProjectionMatrix and derivative functions.
enable If true, the custom projection matrix passed as the second parameter will be used in preference to an auto calculated one. If false, the frustum will revert to auto calculating the projection matrix.
projectionMatrix The custom view matrix to use
See also:

virtual void Ogre::Frustum::setCustomViewMatrix bool  enable,
const Matrix4 viewMatrix = Matrix4::IDENTITY
[virtual, inherited]

Set whether to use a custom view matrix on this frustum.

This is an advanced method which allows you to manually set the view matrix on this frustum, rather than having it calculate itself based on it's position and orientation.
After enabling a custom view matrix, the frustum will no longer update on its own based on position / orientation changes. You are completely responsible for keeping the view matrix up to date. The custom matrix will be returned from getViewMatrix.
enable If true, the custom view matrix passed as the second parameter will be used in preference to an auto calculated one. If false, the frustum will revert to auto calculating the view matrix.
viewMatrix The custom view matrix to use
See also:

void Ogre::MovableObject::setDefaultQueryFlags uint32  flags  )  [static, inherited]

Set the default query flags for all future MovableObject instances.

Definition at line 279 of file OgreMovableObject.h.

References Ogre::uint32.

void Ogre::MovableObject::setDefaultVisibilityFlags uint32  flags  )  [static, inherited]

Set the default visibility flags for all future MovableObject instances.

Definition at line 307 of file OgreMovableObject.h.

References Ogre::uint32.

void Ogre::Camera::setDirection const Vector3 vec  ) 

Sets the camera's direction vector.

void Ogre::Camera::setDirection Real  x,
Real  y,
Real  z

Sets the camera's direction vector.

Note that the 'up' vector for the camera will automatically be recalculated based on the current 'up' vector (i.e. the roll will remain the same).

virtual void Ogre::Frustum::setFarClipDistance Real  farDist  )  [virtual, inherited]

Sets the distance to the far clipping plane.

The view frustrum is a pyramid created from the frustum position and the edges of the viewport. This method sets the distance for the far end of that pyramid. Different applications need different values: e.g. a flight sim needs a much further far clipping plane than a first-person shooter. An important point here is that the larger the ratio between near and far clipping planes, the lower the accuracy of the Z-buffer used to depth-cue pixels. This is because the Z-range is limited to the size of the Z buffer (16 or 32-bit) and the max values must be spread over the gap between near and far clip planes. As it happens, you can affect the accuracy far more by altering the near distance rather than the far distance, but keep this in mind.
far The distance to the far clipping plane from the frustum in world coordinates.If you specify 0, this means an infinite view distance which is useful especially when projecting shadows; but be careful not to use a near distance too close.

void Ogre::Camera::setFixedYawAxis bool  useFixed,
const Vector3 fixedAxis = Vector3::UNIT_Y

Tells the camera whether to yaw around it's own local Y axis or a fixed axis of choice.

This method allows you to change the yaw behaviour of the camera
  • by default, the camera yaws around a fixed Y axis. This is often what you want - for example if you're making a first-person shooter, you really don't want the yaw axis to reflect the local camera Y, because this would mean a different yaw axis if the player is looking upwards rather than when they are looking straight ahead. You can change this behaviour by calling this method, which you will want to do if you are making a completely free camera like the kind used in a flight simulator.
useFixed If true, the axis passed in the second parameter will always be the yaw axis no matter what the camera orientation. If false, the camera yaws around the local Y.
fixedAxis The axis to use if the first parameter is true.

virtual void Ogre::Frustum::setFocalLength Real  focalLength = 1.0  )  [virtual, inherited]

Sets frustum focal length (used in stereo rendering).

focalLength The distance to the focal plane from the frustum in world coordinates.

virtual void Ogre::Frustum::setFOVy const Radian fovy  )  [virtual, inherited]

Sets the Y-dimension Field Of View (FOV) of the frustum.

Field Of View (FOV) is the angle made between the frustum's position, and the edges of the 'screen' onto which the scene is projected. High values (90+ degrees) result in a wide-angle, fish-eye kind of view, low values (30- degrees) in a stretched, telescopic kind of view. Typical values are between 45 and 60 degrees.
This value represents the VERTICAL field-of-view. The horizontal field of view is calculated from this depending on the dimensions of the viewport (they will only be the same if the viewport is square).
Setting the FOV overrides the value supplied for frustum::setNearClipPlane.

virtual void Ogre::Frustum::setFrustumOffset Real  horizontal = 0.0,
Real  vertical = 0.0
[virtual, inherited]

Sets frustum offsets, used in stereo rendering.

You can set both horizontal and vertical plane offsets of "eye"; in stereo rendering frustum is moved in horizontal plane. To be able to render from two "eyes" you'll need two cameras rendering on two RenderTargets.
The frustum offsets is in world coordinates, and default to (0, 0) - no offsets.
horizontal The horizontal plane offset.
vertical The vertical plane offset.

virtual void Ogre::Frustum::setFrustumOffset const Vector2 offset  )  [virtual, inherited]

Sets frustum offsets, used in stereo rendering.

You can set both horizontal and vertical plane offsets of "eye"; in stereo rendering frustum is moved in horizontal plane. To be able to render from two "eyes" you'll need two cameras rendering on two RenderTargets.
The frustum offsets is in world coordinates, and default to (0, 0) - no offsets.
offset The horizontal and vertical plane offsets.

void Ogre::Camera::setLodBias Real  factor = 1.0  ) 

Sets the level-of-detail factor for this Camera.

This method can be used to influence the overall level of detail of the scenes rendered using this camera. Various elements of the scene have level-of-detail reductions to improve rendering speed at distance; this method allows you to hint to those elements that you would like to adjust the level of detail that they would normally use (up or down).
The most common use for this method is to reduce the overall level of detail used for a secondary camera used for sub viewports like rear-view mirrors etc. Note that scene elements are at liberty to ignore this setting if they choose, this is merely a hint.
factor The factor to apply to the usual level of detail calculation. Higher values increase the detail, so 2.0 doubles the normal detail and 0.5 halves it.

virtual void Ogre::Frustum::setNearClipDistance Real  nearDist  )  [virtual, inherited]

Sets the position of the near clipping plane.

The position of the near clipping plane is the distance from the frustums position to the screen on which the world is projected. The near plane distance, combined with the field-of-view and the aspect ratio, determines the size of the viewport through which the world is viewed (in world co-ordinates). Note that this world viewport is different to a screen viewport, which has it's dimensions expressed in pixels. The frustums viewport should have the same aspect ratio as the screen viewport it renders into to avoid distortion.
near The distance to the near clipping plane from the frustum in world coordinates.

void Ogre::Camera::setOrientation const Quaternion q  ) 

Sets the camera's orientation.

void Ogre::Camera::setPolygonMode PolygonMode  sd  ) 

Sets the level of rendering detail required from this camera.

Each camera is set to render at full detail by default, that is with full texturing, lighting etc. This method lets you change that behaviour, allowing you to make the camera just render a wireframe view, for example.

virtual void Ogre::Renderable::setPolygonModeOverrideable bool  override  )  [virtual, inherited]

Sets whether this renderable's chosen detail level can be overridden (downgraded) by the camera setting.

override true means that a lower camera detail will override this renderables detail level, false means it won't.

Definition at line 231 of file OgreRenderable.h.

void Ogre::Camera::setPosition const Vector3 vec  ) 

Sets the camera's position.

void Ogre::Camera::setPosition Real  x,
Real  y,
Real  z

Sets the camera's position.

virtual void Ogre::Frustum::setProjectionType ProjectionType  pt  )  [virtual, inherited]

Sets the type of projection to use (orthographic or perspective).

Default is perspective.

virtual void Ogre::MovableObject::setQueryFlags uint32  flags  )  [virtual, inherited]

Sets the query flags for this object.

When performing a scene query, this object will be included or excluded according to flags on the object and flags on the query. This is a bitwise value, so only when a bit on these flags is set, will it be included in a query asking for that flag. The meaning of the bits is application-specific.

Definition at line 264 of file OgreMovableObject.h.

References Ogre::uint32.

virtual void Ogre::MovableObject::setRenderingDistance Real  dist  )  [virtual, inherited]

Sets the distance at which the object is no longer rendered.

dist Distance beyond which the object will not be rendered (the default is 0, which means objects are always rendered).

Definition at line 202 of file OgreMovableObject.h.

References Ogre::Real.

virtual void Ogre::MovableObject::setRenderQueueGroup uint8  queueID  )  [virtual, inherited]

Sets the render queue group this entity will be rendered through.

Render queues are grouped to allow you to more tightly control the ordering of rendered objects. If you do not call this method, all Entity objects default to the default queue (RenderQueue::getDefaultQueueGroup), which is fine for most objects. You may want to alter this if you want this entity to always appear in front of other objects, e.g. for a 3D menu system or such.
See RenderQueue for more details.
queueID Enumerated value of the queue group to use.

Reimplemented in Ogre::Entity, and Ogre::ParticleSystem.

virtual void Ogre::MovableObject::setUserAny const Any anything  )  [virtual, inherited]

Sets any kind of user value on this object.

This method allows you to associate any user value you like with this MovableObject. This can be a pointer back to one of your own classes for instance.
This value is shared with setUserObject so don't use both!

Definition at line 232 of file OgreMovableObject.h.

virtual void Ogre::Camera::setUseRenderingDistance bool  use  )  [virtual]

Set whether this camera should use the 'rendering distance' on objects to exclude distant objects from the final image.

The default behaviour is to use it.

use True to use the rendering distance, false not to.

Definition at line 534 of file OgreCamera.h.

virtual void Ogre::MovableObject::setUserObject UserDefinedObject obj  )  [virtual, inherited]

Call this to associate your own custom user object instance with this MovableObject.

By simply making your game / application object a subclass of UserDefinedObject, you can establish a link between an OGRE instance of MovableObject and your own application classes. Call this method to establish the link.

Definition at line 216 of file OgreMovableObject.h.

virtual void Ogre::MovableObject::setVisibilityFlags uint32  flags  )  [virtual, inherited]

Sets the visiblity flags for this object.

As well as a simple true/false value for visibility (as seen in setVisible), you can also set visiblity flags which when 'and'ed with the SceneManager's visibility mask can also make an object invisible.

Definition at line 292 of file OgreMovableObject.h.

References Ogre::uint32.

virtual void Ogre::MovableObject::setVisible bool  visible  )  [virtual, inherited]

Tells this object whether to be visible or not, if it has a renderable component.

An alternative approach of making an object invisible is to detach it from it's SceneNode, or to remove the SceneNode entirely. Detaching a node means that structurally the scene graph changes. Once this change has taken place, the objects / nodes that have been removed have less overhead to the visbility detection pass than simply making the object invisible, so if you do this and leave the objects out of the tree for a long time, it's faster. However, the act of detaching / reattaching nodes is in itself more expensive than setting an object visibility flag, since in the latter case structural changes are not made. Therefore, small or frequent visbility changes are best done using this method; large or more longer term changes are best done by detaching.

Reimplemented in Ogre::Light.

virtual void Ogre::Camera::setWindow Real  Left,
Real  Top,
Real  Right,
Real  Bottom

Sets the viewing window inside of viewport.

This method can be used to set a subset of the viewport as the rendering target.
Left Relative to Viewport - 0 corresponds to left edge, 1 - to right edge (default - 0).
Top Relative to Viewport - 0 corresponds to top edge, 1 - to bottom edge (default - 0).
Right Relative to Viewport - 0 corresponds to left edge, 1 - to right edge (default - 1).
Bottom Relative to Viewport - 0 corresponds to top edge, 1 - to bottom edge (default - 1).

virtual void Ogre::Camera::setWindowImpl void   )  const [protected, virtual]

Do actual window setting, using parameters set in SetWindow call.

The method will called on demand.

virtual void Ogre::ShadowCaster::updateEdgeListLightFacing EdgeData edgeData,
const Vector4 lightPos
[protected, virtual, inherited]

Tells the caster to perform the tasks necessary to update the edge data's light listing.

Can be overridden if the subclass needs to do additional things.

edgeData The edge information to update
lightPos 4D vector representing the light, a directional light has w=0.0

virtual void Ogre::Frustum::updateFrustum void   )  const [protected, virtual, inherited]

Update frustum if out of date.

virtual void Ogre::Frustum::updateFrustumImpl void   )  const [protected, virtual, inherited]

Implementation of updateFrustum (called if out of date).

virtual void Ogre::Frustum::updateFrustumPlanes void   )  const [protected, virtual, inherited]

virtual void Ogre::Frustum::updateFrustumPlanesImpl void   )  const [protected, virtual, inherited]

Implementation of updateFrustumPlanes (called if out of date).

virtual void Ogre::Frustum::updateVertexData void   )  const [protected, virtual, inherited]

virtual void Ogre::Frustum::updateView void   )  const [protected, virtual, inherited]

Update view if out of date.

virtual void Ogre::Frustum::updateViewImpl void   )  const [protected, virtual, inherited]

Implementation of updateView (called if out of date).

virtual void Ogre::Frustum::updateWorldSpaceCorners void   )  const [protected, virtual, inherited]

virtual void Ogre::Frustum::updateWorldSpaceCornersImpl void   )  const [protected, virtual, inherited]

Implementation of updateWorldSpaceCorners (called if out of date).

virtual bool Ogre::Renderable::useIdentityProjection void   )  const [virtual, inherited]

Returns whether or not to use an 'identity' projection.

Usually Renderable objects will use a projection matrix as determined by the active camera. However, if they want they can cancel this out and use an identity projection, which effectively projects in 2D using a {-1, 1} view space. Useful for overlay rendering. Normal renderables need not override this.

Reimplemented in Ogre::BorderRenderable, Ogre::OverlayElement, and Ogre::Rectangle2D.

Definition at line 114 of file OgreRenderable.h.

virtual bool Ogre::Renderable::useIdentityView void   )  const [virtual, inherited]

Returns whether or not to use an 'identity' projection.

Usually Renderable objects will use a view matrix as determined by the active camera. However, if they want they can cancel this out and use an identity matrix, which means all geometry is assumed to be relative to camera space already. Useful for overlay rendering. Normal renderables need not override this.

Reimplemented in Ogre::BorderRenderable, Ogre::OverlayElement, and Ogre::Rectangle2D.

Definition at line 124 of file OgreRenderable.h.

void Ogre::Camera::yaw const Radian angle  ) 

Rotates the camera anticlockwise around it's local y axis.

Friends And Related Function Documentation

std::ostream& operator<< std::ostream &  o,
Camera c

Function for outputting to a stream.

Member Data Documentation

const Real Ogre::Frustum::INFINITE_FAR_PLANE_ADJUST [static, inherited]

Small constant used to reduce far plane projection to avoid inaccuracies.

Definition at line 579 of file OgreFrustum.h.

Real Ogre::Frustum::mAspect [protected, inherited]

x/y viewport ratio - default 1.3333

Definition at line 74 of file OgreFrustum.h.

bool Ogre::Camera::mAutoAspectRatio [protected]

Whether aspect ratio will automaticaally be recalculated when a vieport changes its size.

Definition at line 139 of file OgreCamera.h.

Vector3 Ogre::Camera::mAutoTrackOffset [protected]

Tracking offset for fine tuning.

Definition at line 115 of file OgreCamera.h.

SceneNode* Ogre::Camera::mAutoTrackTarget [protected]

SceneNode which this Camera will automatically track.

Definition at line 113 of file OgreCamera.h.

bool Ogre::MovableObject::mBeyondFarDistance [protected, inherited]

Hidden because of distance?

Definition at line 68 of file OgreMovableObject.h.

AxisAlignedBox Ogre::Frustum::mBoundingBox [mutable, protected, inherited]

Definition at line 138 of file OgreFrustum.h.

bool Ogre::MovableObject::mCastShadows [protected, inherited]

Does this object cast shadows?

Definition at line 86 of file OgreMovableObject.h.

MovableObjectFactory* Ogre::MovableObject::mCreator [protected, inherited]

Creator of this object (if created by a factory).

Definition at line 56 of file OgreMovableObject.h.

Frustum* Ogre::Camera::mCullFrustum [protected]

Custom culling frustum.

Definition at line 141 of file OgreCamera.h.

CustomParameterMap Ogre::Renderable::mCustomParameters [protected, inherited]

Definition at line 248 of file OgreRenderable.h.

bool Ogre::Frustum::mCustomProjMatrix [protected, inherited]

Are we using a custom projection matrix?

Definition at line 108 of file OgreFrustum.h.

bool Ogre::Frustum::mCustomViewMatrix [protected, inherited]

Are we using a custom view matrix?

Definition at line 106 of file OgreFrustum.h.

Quaternion Ogre::Camera::mDerivedOrientation [mutable, protected]

Derived orientation/position of the camera, including reflection.

Definition at line 91 of file OgreCamera.h.

Vector3 Ogre::Camera::mDerivedPosition [mutable, protected]

Definition at line 92 of file OgreCamera.h.

Real Ogre::Frustum::mFarDist [protected, inherited]

Far clip distance - default 10000.

Definition at line 70 of file OgreFrustum.h.

Real Ogre::Frustum::mFocalLength [protected, inherited]

Focal length of frustum (for stereo rendering, defaults to 1.0).

Definition at line 78 of file OgreFrustum.h.

Radian Ogre::Frustum::mFOVy [protected, inherited]

y-direction field-of-view (default 45)

Definition at line 68 of file OgreFrustum.h.

Vector2 Ogre::Frustum::mFrustumOffset [protected, inherited]

Off-axis frustum center offset - default (0.0, 0.0).

Definition at line 76 of file OgreFrustum.h.

Plane Ogre::Frustum::mFrustumPlanes[6] [mutable, protected, inherited]

The 6 main clipping planes.

Definition at line 81 of file OgreFrustum.h.

Plane Ogre::Frustum::mLastLinkedObliqueProjPlane [mutable, protected, inherited]

Record of the last world-space oblique depth projection plane info used.

Definition at line 162 of file OgreFrustum.h.

Plane Ogre::Frustum::mLastLinkedReflectionPlane [mutable, protected, inherited]

Record of the last world-space reflection plane info used.

Definition at line 153 of file OgreFrustum.h.

Quaternion Ogre::Frustum::mLastParentOrientation [mutable, protected, inherited]

Stored versions of parent orientation / position.

Definition at line 84 of file OgreFrustum.h.

Vector3 Ogre::Frustum::mLastParentPosition [mutable, protected, inherited]

Definition at line 85 of file OgreFrustum.h.

Viewport* Ogre::Camera::mLastViewport [protected]

The last viewport to be added using this camera.

Definition at line 135 of file OgreCamera.h.

const MovablePlane* Ogre::Frustum::mLinkedObliqueProjPlane [protected, inherited]

Pointer to oblique projection plane (automatically updated).

Definition at line 160 of file OgreFrustum.h.

const MovablePlane* Ogre::Frustum::mLinkedReflectPlane [protected, inherited]

Pointer to a reflection plane (automatically updated).

Definition at line 151 of file OgreFrustum.h.

SceneManager* Ogre::MovableObject::mManager [protected, inherited]

SceneManager holding this object (if applicable).

Definition at line 58 of file OgreMovableObject.h.

MaterialPtr Ogre::Frustum::mMaterial [protected, inherited]

Definition at line 141 of file OgreFrustum.h.

String Ogre::Camera::mName [protected]

Camera name.

Reimplemented from Ogre::MovableObject.

Definition at line 80 of file OgreCamera.h.

Real Ogre::Frustum::mNearDist [protected, inherited]

Near clip distance - default 100.

Definition at line 72 of file OgreFrustum.h.

bool Ogre::Frustum::mObliqueDepthProjection [protected, inherited]

Is this frustum using an oblique depth projection?

Definition at line 156 of file OgreFrustum.h.

Plane Ogre::Frustum::mObliqueProjPlane [mutable, protected, inherited]

Fixed oblique projection plane.

Definition at line 158 of file OgreFrustum.h.

Quaternion Ogre::Camera::mOrientation [protected]

Camera orientation, quaternion style.

Definition at line 85 of file OgreCamera.h.

bool Ogre::MovableObject::mParentIsTagPoint [protected, inherited]

Definition at line 61 of file OgreMovableObject.h.

Node* Ogre::MovableObject::mParentNode [protected, inherited]

node to which this object is attached

Definition at line 60 of file OgreMovableObject.h.

bool Ogre::Renderable::mPolygonModeOverrideable [protected, inherited]

Definition at line 249 of file OgreRenderable.h.

Vector3 Ogre::Camera::mPosition [protected]

Camera position - default (0,0,0).

Definition at line 88 of file OgreCamera.h.

Matrix4 Ogre::Frustum::mProjMatrix [mutable, protected, inherited]

Pre-calced standard projection matrix.

Definition at line 92 of file OgreFrustum.h.

Matrix4 Ogre::Frustum::mProjMatrixRS [mutable, protected, inherited]

Pre-calced projection matrix for the specific render system.

Definition at line 88 of file OgreFrustum.h.

Matrix4 Ogre::Frustum::mProjMatrixRSDepth [mutable, protected, inherited]

Pre-calced standard projection matrix but with render system depth range.

Definition at line 90 of file OgreFrustum.h.

ProjectionType Ogre::Frustum::mProjType [protected, inherited]

Orthographic or perspective?

Definition at line 65 of file OgreFrustum.h.

uint32 Ogre::MovableObject::mQueryFlags [protected, inherited]

Flags determining whether this object is included / excluded from scene queries.

Definition at line 76 of file OgreMovableObject.h.

Quaternion Ogre::Camera::mRealOrientation [mutable, protected]

Real world orientation/position of the camera.

Definition at line 95 of file OgreCamera.h.

Vector3 Ogre::Camera::mRealPosition [mutable, protected]

Definition at line 96 of file OgreCamera.h.

bool Ogre::Frustum::mRecalcFrustum [mutable, protected, inherited]

Something's changed in the frustrum shape?

Definition at line 96 of file OgreFrustum.h.

bool Ogre::Frustum::mRecalcFrustumPlanes [mutable, protected, inherited]

Something re the frustum planes has changed.

Definition at line 100 of file OgreFrustum.h.

bool Ogre::Frustum::mRecalcVertexData [mutable, protected, inherited]

Something re the vertex data has changed.

Definition at line 104 of file OgreFrustum.h.

bool Ogre::Frustum::mRecalcView [mutable, protected, inherited]

Something re the view pos has changed.

Definition at line 98 of file OgreFrustum.h.

bool Ogre::Camera::mRecalcWindow [mutable, protected]

Definition at line 133 of file OgreCamera.h.

bool Ogre::Frustum::mRecalcWorldSpaceCorners [mutable, protected, inherited]

Something re the world space corners has changed.

Definition at line 102 of file OgreFrustum.h.

bool Ogre::Frustum::mReflect [protected, inherited]

Is this frustum to act as a reflection of itself?

Definition at line 145 of file OgreFrustum.h.

Matrix4 Ogre::Frustum::mReflectMatrix [mutable, protected, inherited]

Derived reflection matrix.

Definition at line 147 of file OgreFrustum.h.

Plane Ogre::Frustum::mReflectPlane [mutable, protected, inherited]

Fixed reflection plane.

Definition at line 149 of file OgreFrustum.h.

uint8 Ogre::MovableObject::mRenderQueueID [protected, inherited]

The render queue to use when rendering this object.

Definition at line 72 of file OgreMovableObject.h.

bool Ogre::MovableObject::mRenderQueueIDSet [protected, inherited]

Flags whether the RenderQueue's default should be used.

Definition at line 74 of file OgreMovableObject.h.

AnimableDictionaryMap Ogre::AnimableObject::msAnimableDictionary [static, protected, inherited]

Static map of class name to list of animable value names.

Definition at line 204 of file OgreAnimable.h.

PolygonMode Ogre::Camera::mSceneDetail [protected]

Rendering type.

Definition at line 104 of file OgreCamera.h.

Real Ogre::Camera::mSceneLodFactor [protected]

Definition at line 118 of file OgreCamera.h.

Real Ogre::Camera::mSceneLodFactorInv [protected]

Inverted scene LOD factor, can be used by Renderables to adjust their LOD.

Definition at line 120 of file OgreCamera.h.

SceneManager* Ogre::Camera::mSceneMgr [protected]

Scene manager responsible for the scene.

Definition at line 82 of file OgreCamera.h.

uint32 Ogre::MovableObject::msDefaultQueryFlags [static, protected, inherited]

Default query flags.

Definition at line 90 of file OgreMovableObject.h.

uint32 Ogre::MovableObject::msDefaultVisibilityFlags [static, protected, inherited]

Default visibility flags.

Definition at line 92 of file OgreMovableObject.h.

const PlaneList Ogre::Renderable::msDummyPlaneList [static, protected, inherited]

Definition at line 246 of file OgreRenderable.h.

String Ogre::Camera::msMovableType [static, protected]

Shared class-level name for Movable type.

Reimplemented from Ogre::Frustum.

Definition at line 110 of file OgreCamera.h.

Real Ogre::MovableObject::mSquaredUpperDistance [protected, inherited]

Definition at line 66 of file OgreMovableObject.h.

Real Ogre::MovableObject::mUpperDistance [protected, inherited]

Upper distance to still render.

Definition at line 65 of file OgreMovableObject.h.

Any Ogre::MovableObject::mUserAny [protected, inherited]

User defined link to another object / value / whatever.

Definition at line 70 of file OgreMovableObject.h.

bool Ogre::Camera::mUseRenderingDistance [protected]

Whether or not the rendering distance of objects should take effect for this camera.

Definition at line 143 of file OgreCamera.h.

VertexData Ogre::Frustum::mVertexData [mutable, protected, inherited]

Definition at line 139 of file OgreFrustum.h.

Matrix4 Ogre::Frustum::mViewMatrix [mutable, protected, inherited]

Pre-calced view matrix.

Definition at line 94 of file OgreFrustum.h.

unsigned int Ogre::Camera::mVisFacesLastRender [protected]

Stored number of visible faces in the last render.

Definition at line 107 of file OgreCamera.h.

uint32 Ogre::MovableObject::mVisibilityFlags [protected, inherited]

Flags determining whether this object is visible (compared to SceneManager mask).

Definition at line 78 of file OgreMovableObject.h.

bool Ogre::MovableObject::mVisible [protected, inherited]

Is this object visible?

Definition at line 63 of file OgreMovableObject.h.

Real Ogre::Camera::mWBottom [protected]

Viewing window.

Generalize camera class for the case, when viewing frustum doesn't cover all viewport.

Definition at line 127 of file OgreCamera.h.

std::vector<Plane> Ogre::Camera::mWindowClipPlanes [mutable, protected]

Windowed viewport clip planes.

Definition at line 131 of file OgreCamera.h.

bool Ogre::Camera::mWindowSet [protected]

Is viewing window used.

Definition at line 129 of file OgreCamera.h.

Real Ogre::Camera::mWLeft [protected]

Viewing window.

Generalize camera class for the case, when viewing frustum doesn't cover all viewport.

Definition at line 127 of file OgreCamera.h.

AxisAlignedBox Ogre::MovableObject::mWorldAABB [mutable, protected, inherited]

Cached world AABB of this object.

Reimplemented in Ogre::ParticleSystem.

Definition at line 80 of file OgreMovableObject.h.

Sphere Ogre::MovableObject::mWorldBoundingSphere [mutable, protected, inherited]

Definition at line 82 of file OgreMovableObject.h.

AxisAlignedBox Ogre::MovableObject::mWorldDarkCapBounds [mutable, protected, inherited]

World space AABB of this object's dark cap.

Definition at line 84 of file OgreMovableObject.h.

Vector3 Ogre::Frustum::mWorldSpaceCorners[8] [mutable, protected, inherited]

Definition at line 142 of file OgreFrustum.h.

Real Ogre::Camera::mWRight [protected]

Viewing window.

Generalize camera class for the case, when viewing frustum doesn't cover all viewport.

Definition at line 127 of file OgreCamera.h.

Real Ogre::Camera::mWTop [protected]

Viewing window.

Generalize camera class for the case, when viewing frustum doesn't cover all viewport.

Definition at line 127 of file OgreCamera.h.

bool Ogre::Camera::mYawFixed [protected]

Whether to yaw around a fixed axis.

Definition at line 99 of file OgreCamera.h.

Vector3 Ogre::Camera::mYawFixedAxis [protected]

Fixed axis to yaw around.

Definition at line 101 of file OgreCamera.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:

Copyright © 2000-2005 by The OGRE Team
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.5 License.
Last modified Sun Mar 12 14:38:22 2006