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OgreSearchOps.h File Reference

#include <string.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "OgrePlatform.h"
#include <dirent.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <fnmatch.h>

Go to the source code of this file.


struct  _find_search_t
struct  _finddata_t


#define MAX_FIND_SEARCHES   10
#define _A_NORMAL   0x00 /* Normalfile-Noread/writerestrictions */
#define _A_RDONLY   0x01 /* Read only file */
#define _A_HIDDEN   0x02 /* Hidden file */
#define _A_SYSTEM   0x04 /* System file */
#define _A_SUBDIR   0x10 /* Subdirectory */
#define _A_ARCH   0x20 /* Archive file */


long _findfirst (const char *pattern, struct _finddata_t *data)
int _findnext (long id, struct _finddata_t *data)
int _findclose (long id)

Define Documentation

#define _A_ARCH   0x20 /* Archive file */

Definition at line 69 of file OgreSearchOps.h.

#define _A_HIDDEN   0x02 /* Hidden file */

Definition at line 63 of file OgreSearchOps.h.

#define _A_NORMAL   0x00 /* Normalfile-Noread/writerestrictions */

Definition at line 59 of file OgreSearchOps.h.

#define _A_RDONLY   0x01 /* Read only file */

Definition at line 61 of file OgreSearchOps.h.

#define _A_SUBDIR   0x10 /* Subdirectory */

Definition at line 67 of file OgreSearchOps.h.

#define _A_SYSTEM   0x04 /* System file */

Definition at line 65 of file OgreSearchOps.h.

#define MAX_FIND_SEARCHES   10

Definition at line 42 of file OgreSearchOps.h.

Function Documentation

int _findclose long  id  ) 

long _findfirst const char *  pattern,
struct _finddata_t data

int _findnext long  id,
struct _finddata_t data

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.5 License.
Last modified Sun Mar 12 14:37:54 2006