16 years |
mattausch |
added per sample test
16 years |
mattausch |
comparing eye linear depth
16 years |
mattausch |
detected error on edges of buildings: why doing ssao there?
16 years |
mattausch |
still problems with ssao on edges
16 years |
mattausch |
16 years |
mattausch |
probably improved temporal coherence but strange ssao
16 years |
mattausch |
some error with reprojection when moving
16 years |
mattausch |
found precision error: now working completely local
16 years |
mattausch |
error much better
16 years |
mattausch |
working on rigid objects
16 years |
mattausch |
how can i get rid of the dawn flickering on the edges of objects? …
16 years |
mattausch |
working better but stil not fully there
16 years |
mattausch |
16 years |
mattausch |
somehow working wih eye linear depth, but terrile precision (especially …
16 years |
mattausch |
16 years |
mattausch |
16 years |
mattausch |
16 years |
mattausch |
debug version
16 years |
mattausch |
debug version: working on split up of ssao and reprojection
16 years |
mattausch |
trying to get ssao to work with dynamic objects
16 years |
mattausch |
16 years |
mattausch |
16 years |
mattausch |
16 years |
mattausch |
16 years |
mattausch |
16 years |
mattausch |
16 years |
mattausch |
included vbo support for dynamic objects
16 years |
mattausch |
still not working!!
16 years |
mattausch |
fucked up depth order for some reason!!
16 years |
mattausch |
worked on dynamic objects
16 years |
mattausch |
16 years |
mattausch |
completely changing dynamic stuff
16 years |
mattausch |
working on dynamic stuff again
16 years |
mattausch |
16 years |
mattausch |
16 years |
mattausch |
found bug with near plane intersection: q? why did it work with vbo …
16 years |
mattausch |
working on dynamic bvh hierarchy: denug version
16 years |
mattausch |
16 years |
mattausch |
updating camera system: debug version
16 years |
mattausch |
16 years |
mattausch |
updated render queue: as we assume incoming nodes to be sorted front to …
16 years |
mattausch |
working on dynamic objects
16 years |
mattausch |
16 years |
mattausch |
added a shader manager
16 years |
mattausch |
16 years |
mattausch |
16 years |
mattausch |
worked on render queue
16 years |
mattausch |
debug render queue
16 years |
mattausch |
16 years |
mattausch |
included new material properties (vp, fp) into render queue
16 years |
mattausch |
16 years |
mattausch |
16 years |
mattausch |
16 years |
mattausch |
adding special technique for depth pass (not working yet)
16 years |
mattausch |
added shader for forward shadin tree animation program
16 years |
mattausch |
16 years |
mattausch |
16 years |
mattausch |
16 years |
mattausch |
added technique
16 years |
mattausch |
16 years |
mattausch |
16 years |
mattausch |
16 years |
mattausch |
unified shader stuff, but phreetham sky not working anymore for forward …
16 years |
mattausch |
16 years |
mattausch |
shader system starting to work
16 years |
mattausch |
16 years |
mattausch |
16 years |
mattausch |
16 years |
mattausch |
16 years |
mattausch |
shader working but slow
16 years |
mattausch |
16 years |
mattausch |
16 years |
mattausch |
debug version: what to do with shader programs??
16 years |
mattausch |
implemented shader program wrapper
16 years |
mattausch |
16 years |
mattausch |
worked on cg shader wrapper class
16 years |
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16 years |
mattausch |
16 years |
mattausch |
16 years |
mattausch |
removed leaks. added class for shaders
16 years |
mattausch |
removed most leaks
16 years |
mattausch |
detected memory leaks mainly in shadowmapping!!
strange problems with …
16 years |
mattausch |
16 years |
mattausch |
16 years |
mattausch |
16 years |
mattausch |
16 years |
mattausch |
removed eyepos from sssao shader, played around with maxdepth
16 years |
mattausch |
16 years |
mattausch |
16 years |
mattausch |
16 years |
mattausch |
16 years |
mattausch |
16 years |
mattausch |
improved performance by > 20 frames
16 years |
mattausch |
improving performance
16 years |
mattausch |
tried downsampling
16 years |
mattausch |
16 years |
mattausch |
16 years |
mattausch |
16 years |
mattausch |
started using downsampling
16 years |
mattausch |
reverted back from trying to use less components in fbo for faster …