#include <OgreMeshManager.h>
Inheritance diagram for Ogre::MeshManager:
Public Types | |||||||||||
typedef HashMap< String, ResourcePtr > | ResourceMap | ||||||||||
typedef std::map< ResourceHandle, ResourcePtr > | ResourceHandleMap | ||||||||||
typedef MapIterator< ResourceHandleMap > | ResourceMapIterator | ||||||||||
Public Member Functions | |||||||||||
MeshManager () | |||||||||||
~MeshManager () | |||||||||||
void | _initialise (void) | ||||||||||
Initialises the manager, only to be called by OGRE internally. | |||||||||||
MeshPtr | load (const String &filename, const String &groupName, HardwareBuffer::Usage vertexBufferUsage=HardwareBuffer::HBU_STATIC_WRITE_ONLY, HardwareBuffer::Usage indexBufferUsage=HardwareBuffer::HBU_STATIC_WRITE_ONLY, bool vertexBufferShadowed=true, bool indexBufferShadowed=true) | ||||||||||
Loads a mesh from a file, making it immediately available for use. | |||||||||||
MeshPtr | createManual (const String &name, const String &groupName, ManualResourceLoader *loader=0) | ||||||||||
Creates a new Mesh specifically for manual definition rather than loading from an object file. | |||||||||||
MeshPtr | createPlane (const String &name, const String &groupName, const Plane &plane, Real width, Real height, int xsegments=1, int ysegments=1, bool normals=true, int numTexCoordSets=1, Real uTile=1.0f, Real vTile=1.0f, const Vector3 &upVector=Vector3::UNIT_Y, HardwareBuffer::Usage vertexBufferUsage=HardwareBuffer::HBU_STATIC_WRITE_ONLY, HardwareBuffer::Usage indexBufferUsage=HardwareBuffer::HBU_STATIC_WRITE_ONLY, bool vertexShadowBuffer=true, bool indexShadowBuffer=true) | ||||||||||
Creates a basic plane, by default majoring on the x/y axes facing positive Z. | |||||||||||
MeshPtr | createCurvedIllusionPlane (const String &name, const String &groupName, const Plane &plane, Real width, Real height, Real curvature, int xsegments=1, int ysegments=1, bool normals=true, int numTexCoordSets=1, Real uTile=1.0f, Real vTile=1.0f, const Vector3 &upVector=Vector3::UNIT_Y, const Quaternion &orientation=Quaternion::IDENTITY, HardwareBuffer::Usage vertexBufferUsage=HardwareBuffer::HBU_STATIC_WRITE_ONLY, HardwareBuffer::Usage indexBufferUsage=HardwareBuffer::HBU_STATIC_WRITE_ONLY, bool vertexShadowBuffer=true, bool indexShadowBuffer=true, int ySegmentsToKeep=-1) | ||||||||||
Creates a plane, which because of it's texture coordinates looks like a curved surface, useful for skies in a skybox. | |||||||||||
MeshPtr | createCurvedPlane (const String &name, const String &groupName, const Plane &plane, Real width, Real height, Real bow=0.5f, int xsegments=1, int ysegments=1, bool normals=false, int numTexCoordSets=1, Real xTile=1.0f, Real yTile=1.0f, const Vector3 &upVector=Vector3::UNIT_Y, HardwareBuffer::Usage vertexBufferUsage=HardwareBuffer::HBU_STATIC_WRITE_ONLY, HardwareBuffer::Usage indexBufferUsage=HardwareBuffer::HBU_STATIC_WRITE_ONLY, bool vertexShadowBuffer=true, bool indexShadowBuffer=true) | ||||||||||
Creates a genuinely curved plane, by default majoring on the x/y axes facing positive Z. | |||||||||||
PatchMeshPtr | createBezierPatch (const String &name, const String &groupName, void *controlPointBuffer, VertexDeclaration *declaration, size_t width, size_t height, size_t uMaxSubdivisionLevel=PatchSurface::AUTO_LEVEL, size_t vMaxSubdivisionLevel=PatchSurface::AUTO_LEVEL, PatchSurface::VisibleSide visibleSide=PatchSurface::VS_FRONT, HardwareBuffer::Usage vbUsage=HardwareBuffer::HBU_STATIC_WRITE_ONLY, HardwareBuffer::Usage ibUsage=HardwareBuffer::HBU_DYNAMIC_WRITE_ONLY, bool vbUseShadow=true, bool ibUseShadow=true) | ||||||||||
Creates a Bezier patch based on an array of control vertices. | |||||||||||
void | setPrepareAllMeshesForShadowVolumes (bool enable) | ||||||||||
Tells the mesh manager that all future meshes should prepare themselves for shadow volumes on loading. | |||||||||||
bool | getPrepareAllMeshesForShadowVolumes (void) | ||||||||||
Retrieves whether all Meshes should prepare themselves for shadow volumes. | |||||||||||
Real | getBoundsPaddingFactor (void) | ||||||||||
Gets the factor by which the bounding box of an entity is padded. | |||||||||||
void | setBoundsPaddingFactor (Real paddingFactor) | ||||||||||
Sets the factor by which the bounding box of an entity is padded. | |||||||||||
void | loadResource (Resource *res) | ||||||||||
virtual ResourcePtr | create (const String &name, const String &group, bool isManual=false, ManualResourceLoader *loader=0, const NameValuePairList *createParams=0) | ||||||||||
Creates a new blank resource, but does not immediately load it. | |||||||||||
virtual void | setMemoryBudget (size_t bytes) | ||||||||||
Set a limit on the amount of memory this resource handler may use. | |||||||||||
virtual size_t | getMemoryBudget (void) const | ||||||||||
Get the limit on the amount of memory this resource handler may use. | |||||||||||
virtual void | unload (const String &name) | ||||||||||
Unloads a single resource by name. | |||||||||||
virtual void | unload (ResourceHandle handle) | ||||||||||
Unloads a single resource by handle. | |||||||||||
virtual void | unloadAll (void) | ||||||||||
Unloads all resources. | |||||||||||
virtual void | reloadAll (void) | ||||||||||
Caused all currently loaded resources to be reloaded. | |||||||||||
virtual void | remove (ResourcePtr &r) | ||||||||||
Remove a single resource. | |||||||||||
virtual void | remove (const String &name) | ||||||||||
Remove a single resource by name. | |||||||||||
virtual void | remove (ResourceHandle handle) | ||||||||||
Remove a single resource by handle. | |||||||||||
virtual void | removeAll (void) | ||||||||||
Removes all resources. | |||||||||||
virtual ResourcePtr | getByName (const String &name) | ||||||||||
Retrieves a pointer to a resource by name, or null if the resource does not exist. | |||||||||||
virtual ResourcePtr | getByHandle (ResourceHandle handle) | ||||||||||
Retrieves a pointer to a resource by handle, or null if the resource does not exist. | |||||||||||
virtual bool | resourceExists (const String &name) | ||||||||||
Returns whether the named resource exists in this manager. | |||||||||||
virtual bool | resourceExists (ResourceHandle handle) | ||||||||||
Returns whether a resource with the given handle exists in this manager. | |||||||||||
virtual void | _notifyResourceTouched (Resource *res) | ||||||||||
Notify this manager that a resource which it manages has been 'touched', ie used. | |||||||||||
virtual void | _notifyResourceLoaded (Resource *res) | ||||||||||
Notify this manager that a resource which it manages has been loaded. | |||||||||||
virtual void | _notifyResourceUnloaded (Resource *res) | ||||||||||
Notify this manager that a resource which it manages has been unloaded. | |||||||||||
virtual ResourcePtr | load (const String &name, const String &group, bool isManual=false, ManualResourceLoader *loader=0, const NameValuePairList *loadParams=0) | ||||||||||
Generic load method, used to create a Resource specific to this ResourceManager without using one of the specialised 'load' methods (containing per-Resource-type parameters). | |||||||||||
virtual const StringVector & | getScriptPatterns (void) const | ||||||||||
Gets the file patterns which should be used to find scripts for this ResourceManager. | |||||||||||
virtual void | parseScript (DataStreamPtr &stream, const String &groupName) | ||||||||||
Parse the definition of a set of resources from a script file. | |||||||||||
virtual Real | getLoadingOrder (void) const | ||||||||||
Gets the relative loading order of resources of this type. | |||||||||||
const String & | getResourceType (void) const | ||||||||||
Gets a string identifying the type of resource this manager handles. | |||||||||||
ResourceMapIterator | getResourceIterator (void) | ||||||||||
Returns an iterator over all resources in this manager. | |||||||||||
Static Public Member Functions | |||||||||||
MeshManager & | getSingleton (void) | ||||||||||
Override standard Singleton retrieval. | |||||||||||
MeshManager * | getSingletonPtr (void) | ||||||||||
Override standard Singleton retrieval. | |||||||||||
Protected Types | |||||||||||
typedef std::map< Resource *, MeshBuildParams > | MeshBuildParamsMap | ||||||||||
Map from resource pointer to parameter set. | |||||||||||
Enum identifying the types of manual mesh built by this manager. More... | |||||||||||
Protected Member Functions | |||||||||||
Resource * | createImpl (const String &name, ResourceHandle handle, const String &group, bool isManual, ManualResourceLoader *loader, const NameValuePairList *createParams) | ||||||||||
| |||||||||||
void | tesselate2DMesh (SubMesh *pSub, int meshWidth, int meshHeight, bool doubleSided=false, HardwareBuffer::Usage indexBufferUsage=HardwareBuffer::HBU_STATIC_WRITE_ONLY, bool indexSysMem=false) | ||||||||||
Utility method for tesselating 2D meshes. | |||||||||||
void | createPrefabPlane (void) | ||||||||||
void | loadManualPlane (Mesh *pMesh, MeshBuildParams ¶ms) | ||||||||||
Utility method for manual loading a plane. | |||||||||||
void | loadManualCurvedPlane (Mesh *pMesh, MeshBuildParams ¶ms) | ||||||||||
Utility method for manual loading a curved plane. | |||||||||||
void | loadManualCurvedIllusionPlane (Mesh *pMesh, MeshBuildParams ¶ms) | ||||||||||
Utility method for manual loading a curved illusion plane. | |||||||||||
ResourceHandle | getNextHandle (void) | ||||||||||
Allocates the next handle. | |||||||||||
virtual void | addImpl (ResourcePtr &res) | ||||||||||
Add a newly created resource to the manager (note weak reference). | |||||||||||
virtual void | removeImpl (ResourcePtr &res) | ||||||||||
Remove a resource from this manager; remove it from the lists. | |||||||||||
virtual void | checkUsage (void) | ||||||||||
Checks memory usage and pages out if required. | |||||||||||
virtual size_t | getMemoryUsage (void) const | ||||||||||
Gets the current memory usage, in bytes. | |||||||||||
Protected Attributes | |||||||||||
MeshBuildParamsMap | mMeshBuildParams | ||||||||||
bool | mPrepAllMeshesForShadowVolumes | ||||||||||
Real | mBoundsPaddingFactor | ||||||||||
ResourceHandleMap | mResourcesByHandle | ||||||||||
ResourceMap | mResources | ||||||||||
ResourceHandle | mNextHandle | ||||||||||
size_t | mMemoryBudget | ||||||||||
size_t | mMemoryUsage | ||||||||||
StringVector | mScriptPatterns | ||||||||||
Patterns to use to look for scripts if supported (e.g. *.overlay). | |||||||||||
Real | mLoadOrder | ||||||||||
Loading order relative to other managers, higher is later. | |||||||||||
String | mResourceType | ||||||||||
String identifying the resource type this manager handles. | |||||||||||
Static Protected Attributes | |||||||||||
MeshManager * | ms_Singleton |
Definition at line 46 of file OgreMeshManager.h.
Map from resource pointer to parameter set.
Definition at line 406 of file OgreMeshManager.h. |
Definition at line 343 of file OgreResourceManager.h. |
Definition at line 342 of file OgreResourceManager.h. |
Definition at line 361 of file OgreResourceManager.h. Referenced by Ogre::ResourceManager::getResourceIterator(). |
Enum identifying the types of manual mesh built by this manager.
Definition at line 377 of file OgreMeshManager.h. |
Initialises the manager, only to be called by OGRE internally.
Notify this manager that a resource which it manages has been loaded.
Notify this manager that a resource which it manages has been 'touched', ie used.
Notify this manager that a resource which it manages has been unloaded.
Add a newly created resource to the manager (note weak reference).
Checks memory usage and pages out if required.
Creates a new blank resource, but does not immediately load it.
Creates a Bezier patch based on an array of control vertices.
Creates a plane, which because of it's texture coordinates looks like a curved surface, useful for skies in a skybox.
Creates a genuinely curved plane, by default majoring on the x/y axes facing positive Z.
Implements Ogre::ResourceManager. |
Creates a new Mesh specifically for manual definition rather than loading from an object file.
Creates a basic plane, by default majoring on the x/y axes facing positive Z.
Gets the factor by which the bounding box of an entity is padded. Default is 0.01 |
Retrieves a pointer to a resource by handle, or null if the resource does not exist.
Retrieves a pointer to a resource by name, or null if the resource does not exist.
Gets the relative loading order of resources of this type.
Implements Ogre::ScriptLoader. Definition at line 296 of file OgreResourceManager.h. References Ogre::Real. |
Get the limit on the amount of memory this resource handler may use.
Gets the current memory usage, in bytes.
Definition at line 338 of file OgreResourceManager.h. |
Allocates the next handle.
Retrieves whether all Meshes should prepare themselves for shadow volumes.
Returns an iterator over all resources in this manager.
Definition at line 366 of file OgreResourceManager.h. References Ogre::ResourceManager::ResourceMapIterator. |
Gets a string identifying the type of resource this manager handles.
Definition at line 299 of file OgreResourceManager.h. References Ogre::String. |
Gets the file patterns which should be used to find scripts for this ResourceManager.
Implements Ogre::ScriptLoader. Definition at line 273 of file OgreResourceManager.h. References Ogre::StringVector. |
Override standard Singleton retrieval.
Reimplemented from Ogre::Singleton< MeshManager >. |
Override standard Singleton retrieval.
Reimplemented from Ogre::Singleton< MeshManager >. |
Generic load method, used to create a Resource specific to this ResourceManager without using one of the specialised 'load' methods (containing per-Resource-type parameters).
Reimplemented in Ogre::BspResourceManager. |
Loads a mesh from a file, making it immediately available for use.
Utility method for manual loading a curved illusion plane.
Utility method for manual loading a curved plane.
Utility method for manual loading a plane.
Implements Ogre::ManualResourceLoader. |
Parse the definition of a set of resources from a script file.
Implements Ogre::ScriptLoader. Reimplemented in Ogre::FontManager, and Ogre::MaterialManager. Definition at line 288 of file OgreResourceManager.h. References Ogre::DataStreamPtr, and Ogre::String. |
Caused all currently loaded resources to be reloaded.
Remove a single resource by handle.
Remove a single resource by name.
Remove a single resource.
Removes all resources.
Remove a resource from this manager; remove it from the lists.
Returns whether a resource with the given handle exists in this manager.
Definition at line 221 of file OgreResourceManager.h. References Ogre::SharedPtr< T >::isNull(), and Ogre::ResourceHandle. |
Returns whether the named resource exists in this manager.
Definition at line 216 of file OgreResourceManager.h. References Ogre::SharedPtr< T >::isNull(), and Ogre::String. |
Sets the factor by which the bounding box of an entity is padded.
Set a limit on the amount of memory this resource handler may use.
Tells the mesh manager that all future meshes should prepare themselves for shadow volumes on loading.
Utility method for tesselating 2D meshes.
Unloads a single resource by handle.
Unloads a single resource by name.
Unloads all resources.
Definition at line 419 of file OgreMeshManager.h. |
Loading order relative to other managers, higher is later.
Definition at line 356 of file OgreResourceManager.h. |
Definition at line 348 of file OgreResourceManager.h. |
Definition at line 349 of file OgreResourceManager.h. |
Definition at line 407 of file OgreMeshManager.h. |
Definition at line 347 of file OgreResourceManager.h. |
Definition at line 416 of file OgreMeshManager.h. |
Definition at line 346 of file OgreResourceManager.h. |
Definition at line 345 of file OgreResourceManager.h. |
String identifying the resource type this manager handles.
Definition at line 358 of file OgreResourceManager.h. |
Definition at line 54 of file OgreSingleton.h. |
Patterns to use to look for scripts if supported (e.g. *.overlay).
Definition at line 354 of file OgreResourceManager.h. |
Copyright © 2000-2005 by The OGRE Team
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.5 License.
Last modified Sun Feb 12 13:01:11 2006