16 years |
mattausch |
16 years |
mattausch |
performance testing (only depth texture faster??) loading torus, two …
16 years |
mattausch |
performance testing
16 years |
mattausch |
removed filter radius
16 years |
mattausch |
16 years |
mattausch |
16 years |
mattausch |
16 years |
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16 years |
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siggraph submission deadline
16 years |
mattausch |
16 years |
mattausch |
worked on videos - still problems with strange white pixels
16 years |
mattausch |
worked on visualizations
16 years |
mattausch |
working on viz for submission
16 years |
mattausch |
16 years |
mattausch |
probably found export error
16 years |
mattausch |
16 years |
mattausch |
16 years |
mattausch |
problems with reimporting of my exported scenes
16 years |
mattausch |
16 years |
mattausch |
16 years |
mattausch |
16 years |
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16 years |
mattausch |
16 years |
mattausch |
16 years |
mattausch |
16 years |
mattausch |
16 years |
mattausch |
16 years |
mattausch |
working on pompeii loading. fixed bug in obj conversion
16 years |
mattausch |
16 years |
mattausch |
16 years |
mattausch |
worked on new method
16 years |
mattausch |
16 years |
mattausch |
16 years |
mattausch |
16 years |
mattausch |
played around with pvs. now using pvs without vfc or anything. using …
16 years |
mattausch |
generated some results on vienna and pp
16 years |
mattausch |
worked on obj loader
played around with ssao sampling
16 years |
mattausch |
16 years |
mattausch |
pvs seems to work now
16 years |
mattausch |
16 years |
mattausch |
16 years |
mattausch |
16 years |
mattausch |
fast and cool
not using kernel for high convergence
16 years |
mattausch |
worked on sampling / convergence
16 years |
mattausch |
worked on submission
16 years |
mattausch |
versio for paper submission
16 years |
mattausch |
worked on stats
16 years |
mattausch |
worked on video replay function
16 years |
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16 years |
mattausch |
16 years |
mattausch |
worked on lense flare, cleaned up code a little bit
16 years |
mattausch |
made ssao parameters more flexible
started to implement lense flare
16 years |
mattausch |
finally found bvh tighter bounds bug
16 years |
mattausch |
still searching for error
16 years |
mattausch |
ssao working ok but now seasrching for culling bug
16 years |
mattausch |
prepared meeting
16 years |
mattausch |
worked on adaptive sampling .. changed to using real number of samples for …
16 years |
mattausch |
16 years |
mattausch |
have to remove culling bug at given view point
16 years |
mattausch |
filtering working more nicely now
16 years |
mattausch |
working on ssao for dynamic objects, found error with tight bounds
16 years |
mattausch |
16 years |
mattausch |
strange errors
16 years |
mattausch |
16 years |
mattausch |
16 years |
mattausch |
found bug with near plane intersection: q? why did it work with vbo …
16 years |
mattausch |
working on dynamic bvh hierarchy: denug version
16 years |
mattausch |
16 years |
mattausch |
started to use a downsampling fbo
16 years |
mattausch |
debug version trying to retrieve position from linear eye space depth
16 years |
mattausch |
problematic: merging
16 years |
mattausch |
preetham working but big hack
16 years |
mattausch |
preetham working
16 years |
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implemented sun color
16 years |
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started different stuff
16 years |
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16 years |
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16 years |
mattausch |
16 years |
mattausch |
improved shadow mapping
16 years |
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16 years |
mattausch |
corrected views
16 years |
mattausch |
made changes to view transformation but still not working
16 years |
mattausch |
changed ssao to multipass algorithm
16 years |
mattausch |
16 years |
mattausch |
16 years |
mattausch |
16 years |
mattausch |
cleaned up code
17 years |
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17 years |
mattausch |
17 years |
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17 years |
mattausch |
copied from GTP/trunk/App/Demos/Vis/FriendlyCulling/src/default.env:
17 years |
mattausch |